Lack Of Vitamin A: Possible Risks

Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant in the body. It therefore fights the appearance of free radicals and cell damage. Lack of vitamin A can therefore lead to some problems.
Vitamin A deficiency: Possible risks

Vitamin A deficiency can lead to health problems. This nutrient is included in the category of vitamins known as fat-soluble vitamins, ie the vitamins that dissolve in fat, and it needs a minimum amount of adipose tissue stored in the body.

In the human body, this vitamin performs several important functions since it interferes with the development of vision and ensures healthy vision. On the other hand, it acts as an antioxidant. Regular intake of this vitamin reduces the risk of developing complex diseases in the medium and long term, as described in an article published in the journal Nutrients.

The good news is that it is a fairly common micronutrient in your diet. In fact, red and orange foods usually contain this vitamin. For this reason, a regular intake of vegetables will ensure that you have enough of this vitamin in your body.

Despite all this, you may still suffer from a lack of vitamin A. This can occur in a diet low in fat or in people who do not follow a varied diet.

What are the consequences? In this article we will tell you everything.

Vitamin A deficiency is linked to neurodegenerative diseases

Vitamin A plays a neuroprotective role. For this reason, low levels of this vitamin have been linked to a higher incidence of conditions associated with the elderly, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

A deficiency of this micronutrient is linked to a higher production of beta-amyloid, a compound related to the development of neurodegenerative diseases, as proven in an article published in 2017.

Antioxidants reduce the risk of diseases associated with aging. In this regard, vitamin A is no exception.

Scan of the brain - lack of vitamin A.
Vitamin A plays an important role in the nervous system and brain. Vitamin A deficiency is therefore associated with neurodegenerative diseases.

Vision problems associated with a lack of vitamin A.

One of the first symptoms that warns of a deficiency of vitamin A is the appearance of vision problems. The most common problem is night blindness, which manifests itself as difficulty adjusting to the darkness.

In the most severe cases of vitamin A deficiency , you may develop eye damage. However, these cases are rare.

It is more common to suffer from gastrointestinal disorders caused by a deficiency of this vitamin. For example, diarrhea is a common symptom in individuals suffering from this dietary problem.

It also affects lung health

Smokers or people with obstructive pulmonary disease are more sensitive to vitamin A deficiency. In these people, low levels of this nutrient can lead to an increased risk of cancer.

For this reason, in specific cases you may want to consider supplements. As a general rule, however, it is best to take this vitamin through a varied diet.

Foods that contain vitamin A

Red and orange foods are often given to us beta-carotene and vitamin A. For this reason , it is important to regularly include them in your diet.

In addition, milk, butter and cheese also contain this nutrient. Even some pigmented fruits such as apricot or mango contain large amounts of this vitamin.

In fact, if you eat a varied diet with large amounts of vegetables, it is rare that you suffer from a deficiency of this micronutrient.

Salad with olive oil
Orange and red foods usually have large amounts of vitamin A.

Monitor vitamin A levels to prevent disease

Keeping the level of vitamin A in the right area helps to reduce the risk of disease development in the medium and long term. The first manifestations of this deficiency are gastrointestinal and visual.

Over time, however, it can be linked to changes in neuronal health as well as an increased risk of cancer or lung disease.

In general, we do not recommend taking vitamin A supplements. In fact, researchers have not shown that it has any benefits for healthy patients with a healthy diet. It is only an effective treatment in people who smoke or with obstructive pulmonary diseases.

In any case , we recommend that you regularly consume red foods from the plant world to minimize the risk of a deficiency of vitamin A. Dairy products are also a source of this vitamin.

You should also remember that this vitamin helps fight aging and cell damage due to its antioxidant capacity. For all these reasons, you should make sure to include enough of it in your diet.

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