Learn The Warning Signs Of Diabetes

It can take years before any symptoms of diabetes appear. Therefore, it is important to be aware of any warnings our body gives us before the disease has completely appeared.
Learn the warning signs of diabetes

Whether it is type 2 or type 1 diabetes, some of the early warning signs of diabetes are the same. By recognizing the symptoms, you will be able to help your doctor give an early diagnosis and start treatment as soon as possible.

Nevertheless , type 2 diabetes develops slowly, and there is a chance that you may not get as many warnings here. Diabetes is a very serious disease, but at the same time very common. If you have diabetes, you need to regularly check your blood sugar level and keep it under control within adequate reach.

Many people do not know that there are different types of diabetes. It is even common for those who are diagnosed to be surprised that they have the disease, since the symptoms appear gradually over several months or even years.

In this article, we will look at some of the diabetic warnings you should be aware of.

The warning signs of diabetes


The warning signs of diabetes can be progressive or appear suddenly. Different types of diabetes can have similar indicators or very different ones.

Particular attention should be paid to the following symptoms, as they may indicate danger:

  • Extreme thirst
  • Dry mouth
  • Frequent urge to  urinate
  • Hunger
  • Constant exhaustion
  • Irritability
  • Unclear vision
  • Damages that do not get a crust
  • Itchy or dry skin
  • Constant fungal infections

The warning signs of type 1 diabetes

This type of diabetes is generally diagnosed in children and very young adults, although it can occur with any age group.

Children tend to experience the following additional symptoms, so be aware:

  • Sudden and involuntary weight loss
  • Sudden bed wetting
  • Fungal infections of the abdomen before puberty
  • Influenza-like symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, bad breath, breathing problems and loss of consciousness

Influenza-like symptoms appear when undiagnosed type 1 diabetes causes ketones to accumulate in the blood. This condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis, and is a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment to prevent further complications.

The warning signs of type 2 diabetes

This type of diabetes has no sudden symptoms, but there are early warnings as mentioned earlier.

Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes may also be a possibility if any of the following symptoms are present:

  • Persistent infections or an injury that does not heal or that takes a very long time to do so
  • Complications associated with abnormal blood sugar levels for a long time, such as numbness or tingling in the feet.
  • Heart problems

These symptoms tend to develop over the years and are very subtle and difficult to link to the disease itself.

Who is at risk of developing diabetes?

Man with diabetes

As mentioned earlier, diabetes can develop at any time. However, there are certain risk factors for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. What is presented further is not final, since adults can also end up with type 1 diabetes, although it is less common.

Type 1 diabetes:

  • Children
  • Young adults
  • People with a family history of type 1 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes:

  • Persons older than 45 years
  • Obese people
  • Those who have a sedentary lifestyle
  • Smokers
  • People with a family history of type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Abnormal levels of triglycerides or HDL
  • Some ethnic groups
  • Personal experience with insulin resistance

It is possible to experience one or more of the warnings associated with diabetes. If this is the case for you, consult your doctor for an examination. You may also end up detecting diabetes while being checked for another illness or after a routine blood test.

What else should you know?

If you suspect that you have any of these symptoms of diabetes, your doctor may want to know about this:

  • Current symptoms
  • Family history
  • What medications are you taking
  • If you have allergies

Remember to talk to your doctor if you are worried about diabetes. Getting immediate help and early treatment is the key to controlling the symptoms and preventing serious problems in the future.

If you have type 1 diabetes, you need to check your glucose levels. This is done by regulating the insulin levels in the diet, and thus making the insulin more active in the bloodstream.

If you have type 2 diabetes, you can control your blood sugar with a special diet that activates the insulin alone, or you take medication for it.

Having diabetes does not mean that you can not have a normal and complete life, but it does mean that you should take better care of your health.

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