5 Steps To Say Goodbye To Bad Habits

Getting rid of bad habits is not an easy task. However, if you follow these tips, it may be easier for you.
5 steps to say goodbye to bad habits

Sometimes it is not so easy to get rid of bad habits. However, if you follow these steps, it may seem easier. Do not hesitate and write down these useful tips.

Find out if it is a bad habit or an addiction

Man with alcohol and cigarettes and pills

First and foremost, it is important that you are able to determine if it is a bad habit or an addiction. The main difference between the two is the context in which the habit / addiction takes place.

For example, determine if you always have the same bad habits at a particular time or under certain circumstances.

Think about what would happen if the situation changed. Can you wait a few hours without “doing” this bad habit, or can not think of anything else?

You have to remember that in case this is an addiction, there are not only a number of symptoms at the physiological level but also at the psychological and emotional levels.

Therefore, it is much more complicated. In this case, it is a good idea to consult a specialist or psychologist. If it’s just a bad habit, you can probably correct it yourself.

Set a goal to get rid of the habit

Man who gets rid of his bad habits

Then it is time to consciously decide to get rid of the habit. To do this, you must define the reason why you want to quit. Think about the negative consequences and what they mean.

Do not forget to imagine what your life would be like without them. The goal here is that you find the benefits of getting rid of the habit.

Therefore, it is important to make a list of all the negative consequences. Only then will you clearly see why it is important to you and your life.

It can also help to create another list, with future positive changes that will occur if you quit. For this you need to describe them very accurately. In this way you will find the useful motivation.

Set a deadline for when you should have reached your goal

Person who has a drink and a cigarette

It is important to set a deadline for when you should get rid of your habit. It is best to set a time period that is realistic. The most common is to have a deadline of between one and three months.

Remember that no matter how much you want, you can not get rid of a habit in one day. Being aware of this will help prepare you.

The simple process of dividing your goal into several stages can also help. In this way, your brain will adapt to gradual changes, without too much stress.

For example, from tomorrow, stop making your bad habit in the afternoon. In a week, only do it on the weekends, and when a month has passed, stop completely.

4. Find the person who is in the same situation as you

Men in suits with wine and cigarettes, which are bad habits.

Through social networks, you can find people who have the same bad habits as you, and who also want to quit. Their stories can be an inspiration. You can tell them about your concerns, ask them for advice, etc.

They are in a similar situation, so they will most likely understand you, not judge you. Remember that the more people you have close to you who know about your situation, the greater the chance that you will succeed.

We often do not want to admit it, but we always value the opinion of others. However, do not give in to the influence of society unless it helps you reach your goal.


From time to time, you will think about going back to your bad habit. It is important not to be afraid of it, and do not blame yourself if you think about it in a weak moment.

If you fall back, try to quit again. Sometimes goals are not achieved on the first try.

You can look at your habit as defeated if it has been 66 days since your target date and you have not fallen back into the bad habit. Then you will have overcome the habit. Congratulations!

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