Make This Recipe And Say Goodbye To Back And Joint Pain

Back and joint pain are common in today’s world, and in fact this is one of the primary reasons why people go to the doctor. They are usually caused by overloading oneself during the working day, although they can also be caused by trauma and illness.
Make this recipe and say goodbye to back and joint pain

Stressing yourself, pounding into things and bad habits weakens bones and joints. To keep them in good shape and avoid aches and pains, try this recipe. Back and joint pain are common in today’s world, and in fact this is one of the primary reasons why people go to the doctor. They are usually caused by overloading oneself during the working day, although they can also be caused by trauma and illness. Most cases are mild and can be easily treated with rest, strength exercises and painkillers.

However, they can be recurrent and related to the development of diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis. The most worrying thing is that it can get worse over time, to the point where it limits our mobility and our ability to perform daily tasks. That is why it is so important to improve dietary habits and add the nutrients that bones and joints need to stay strong.

Because of this, it is good to know that there are natural supplements out there that have properties that help strengthen bones and joints without exposing the body to unwanted effects.

And this is true for grenetina, or natural gelatin. This ingredient is rich in collagen, which has been shown to be beneficial to health.

Below we will show you, in detail, the main benefits of treating aches and pains, along with a simple recipe for using these benefits at home.

Let’s get started!

What is grenetina and how does it relieve back and joint pain?

joint pain

Grenetina, better known as gelatin, is a natural product made by processing lard and beef fat. The skin and bones are used, which are the areas that contain the most concentrated protein, and which give us this wonderful product.

Although this process is not so pleasant for many people, you should take into consideration that it is quite useful for creating many recipes. And as if that were not enough, it is a source of nutrients as well.

Benefits to relieve back and joint pain

The main advantage of gelatin for pain is due to the fact that it is made of more than 90% protein, 2% mineral salts and 8% water. These components improve the body’s ability to synthesize collagen and to reduce inflammation. It contains amino acids, such as arginine and glycine. When these reach the body’s organs, they stimulate the building of muscle mass and iron the joints.

Although this is an animal product, it does not contain cholesterol. Gelatin is fat-free and therefore has a fairly low calorie content. Instead, it will prolong the feeling of satiety, which improves metabolism and helps to perform digestive processes properly.

But most interesting of all, is that it is good for giving the cartilage strength and elasticity, which reduces wear and prevents more serious injuries from developing. The active components of gelatin also keep the skin healthy, reduce the risk of premature aging, and strengthen the legs.

Gelatin recipe to relieve back and joint pain

gelatin recipe

To protect your joints , we recommend that you get 10 to 15 grams of natural gelatin per day. This amount can be found in baked goods, smoothies, natural juices and other products that are easy to consume.

It is advisable to also use a pure gelatin recipe to reduce back and joint pain caused by overload or other types of injuries.


  • 1 teaspoon pure gelatin (10 g)
  • 1/2 glass of cold water (100 ml)
  • 1/2 glass of warm water (100 ml)

This is what you do

  • Put the teaspoon of gelatin in the cold water and leave it overnight.
  • The next morning, pour the mixture into a bowl and put half a glass of water in a saucepan to make a water bath. Put the bowl in the water.
  • As soon as it dissolves, take the pan off the heat and serve.
  • Take this every morning before breakfast, at least half an hour before the first meal of the day.
  • You can also pour it into a glass of orange juice to enhance the flavor and make it easier to absorb.

Regular consumption of this remedy can help avoid joint wear and continuous pain.

However, the outcome will depend on the lifestyle of each individual, especially when it comes to diet. You should not take this if you have problems with your digestion or liver.

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