8 Early Signs Of Ovarian Cancer You Should Not Ignore

Although this is one of the cancers with the highest mortality rate, early detection can increase the chance of survival by up to 95%.
8 early signs of ovarian cancer you should not ignore

Ovarian cancer has been called “the silent killer” because the symptoms, like other cancers, do not occur until the cancer is well developed and difficult to treat. This type of cancer is the second most common genital cancer in women, but it has the highest mortality. This is because in most cases it is detected too late. Read about signs of ovarian cancer that you should not ignore.

According to reports in recent years, only 50% of women who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer will live five years after being diagnosed. This is because in many cases the cancer is only discovered at a late stage. However, experts say that an early detection of this disease increases the chance of survival by up to 95%.

Women of all ages can get ovarian cancer, but the risk increases after the age of 50, and the risk is greatest for women over the age of 65. It is important to learn and know about some of the symptoms that may signal possible ovarian cancer. But remember that these are symptoms that must be examined by a doctor, as there may also be a warning about other health problems.

Signs of ovarian cancer

stomach ache

The following symptoms have been linked to ovarian cancer, but may also be symptoms of other health problems. Being aware of and being able to recognize them can be the key to detecting cancer at an early stage. In this way, one can start treatment on time.

  • Inflated or swollen stomach : Although this is a common sign of a number of health problems, a swollen stomach and feeling that the stomach has increased in size can be a sign of ovarian cancer. If you have this problem often, you should consult a doctor.
  • Digestion : In addition to bloating, indigestion, constipation, stomach cramps and discomfort or altered bowel movements can also be a warning.
  • Pain in the pelvis : Pain in the pelvis can be a very important signal for this disease. If the pain is frequent and apparently without explanation, it is important to see a doctor. Do not hide the problem by taking painkillers.
  • Back pain : If you have pain in the lower back without fully knowing why, this can also be a sign of ovarian cancer.

More symptoms

  • Frequent and uncontrollable urination : If you suddenly feel that you have to urinate often and that you are almost unable to control it, it is possible that something is not quite right. Usually, these symptoms are also accompanied by burning when urinating and frequent urination. These symptoms may indicate weak pelvic floor muscles or urinary tract inflammation. In any case, it is important to see a doctor, as these symptoms can also be common in ovarian cancer.
  • Unexplained weight loss or gain : Many women become happy when they completely inexplicably lose weight. However, one should know that this is not normal and that it may be a sign that something is very wrong. The same applies if you suddenly gain weight. In general, you may also lose your appetite or feel full all the time.
  • Exhaustion : One can feel exhausted due to various health problems and also stress. However, this symptom is also common in ovarian cancer. You may feel tired, without energy and weak quite often; these are signals that something is wrong.
  • Pain during intercourse : If you experience pain during intercourse, you must see a doctor as these are also common symptoms of ovarian cancer.

Other symptoms that one should be aware of:

  • Vaginal bleeding in postmenopausal women .
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Anemia.
  • Frequent abdominal pain.

Diagnosis of ovarian cancer


Ovarian cancer is difficult to detect since the symptoms usually do not occur at an early stage. However, if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above and consult a doctor, the disease can be detected early through ultrasound, tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and a blood test called CA-125.

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