Are Children Really A Reflection Of Their Parents?

Continuity with what we demand of our children and how we behave as parents is very important. They are our reflection and we are the mirror. We should strive to be the best possible mirror they can look into.
Are children really a reflection of their parents?

You may start to worry about the phrase “children are a reflection of their parents”.

After all, your children are like mushrooms: they absorb everything they see and hear. Therefore  , it is important that everything that happens at home provides benefits for your upbringing and their behavior.

Being a parent is a real challenge, since you not only have to manage your time well, but you also have to be consistent with what you say and do. Your children always observe you and do the same as you, even if you do not notice it.

Yes, children want to be like their parents. Therefore, setting a good example will be the key to teaching them values ​​and principles. However, children who are a reflection of their parents worry many people.

Unconsciously, your children imitate gestures, actions, ways of talking and even the way you interact with others. This comes from the simple fact that  there is an emotional bond between you.

So, if children are a reflection of their parents – how can we make it work well?

Create an atmosphere of trust and open communication in your home

Happy family

Communication is critical in a family. It creates an atmosphere of trust that encourages values ​​and security at home that forms unbreakable bonds between family members.

2. Lead a healthy lifestyle

You already know that children are a reflection of their parents. Therefore, if you want your children to lead a healthy lifestyle, then it must start with you. If you want your kids to exercise and eat vegetables,  set an example by showing them how good it is.

As the saying goes, “one example is worth more than a thousand words”. Add this to your daily life. Do not preach every day about why they should do this and that –  do it with them.

3. Avoid yelling

Adults yell at children

We know how difficult it is to fill your role. Always being patient is a pretty big challenge. Still, when you are stressed or in despair,  avoid yelling at your children or any other family members.

If you do this, your children will think that this is acceptable behavior. And when that moment comes, when they do the same thing, you will not be able to answer when they tell you that “you do it too”.

4. Encourage honesty

If you do not want your children to lie, then you can not do it either. Do not make excuses; keep your promises.

This will not only encourage honesty in them, but they will also learn to take responsibility for their own words.

5. Avoid violence

Unfortunately, bad habits are what children learn the fastest. Do not use violence as a teaching method.

If they do something they should not do,  explain that what they did was not right at all. If you avoid hitting your children, they are less likely to grow up to be aggressive. What’s more is that you want to teach them how to handle conflicts without resorting to violence.

If you encourage communication as a way to solve problems, you will raise a tolerant person  who is able to see things from a different perspective.

6. Respect and be respected

Treat those around you well.  Avoid judging them and putting them in stalls. Doing so will teach your children to see the value in others and how good relationships are formed through respect.

When your children talk back to you, play your part , reminding them that there is no way to talk to you or treat you. Raise them in the best possible way. The relationship you build over time should be based on trust and respect. Be sure to build it together.

Fight for what you want

Woman fights for what she wants

Being a mother does not mean that you have to give up your dreams and ambitions. We know that the road is difficult, but it is not impossible.

Be strong every single day and complete what you want. Not only will it be fulfilling for you as a woman, but you will also  be an example of strength and dedication to your entire family.

8. Be happy

There is certainly nothing that makes you happier than having your children by your side. Be sure to show them that they make you happy by hugging them, arranging for them, and telling them how much you love them. Enjoy their moments together and tell them how lucky you feel to have them.

When you give out love, you get love back. Your children will return all the hugs, kisses and arrange for you with all their heart. Not only will you be happy, you will all be happy together, which is much better.

9. Do not be afraid to make mistakes

Sad woman

It is inevitable to make mistakes from time to time. Still, that does not mean that you have made a mistake, given that you correct your mistakes. Your children will see your courage in being able to recognize your mistakes, learn, and move on, which they will also emulate.


Yes, children are a reflection of their parents…  so be their mirror so they can look at themselves and be proud of what they see.

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