Bad Habits That Will Kill Your Relationship

A healthy relationship is based on commitment, respect and communication. Similarly, there are threats such as routine and dishonesty, which is a sure way to take the life of love, and thus a love affair.
Bad habits that will kill your relationship

Love can die as quickly as it arose, and many of us are not aware that certain attitudes are sure ways to take the life of our relationship. The feeling we call “love” is like a newly sown seed, which needs watering and nourishment to thrive and grow. You need to take care of it, give it time and energy, to ensure that it is as beautiful and healthy as possible.

So if you are in love, you may want to learn about the fastest ways to kill your relationship so you can avoid them like the plague. Are you ready to learn more?

Five ways to kill your relationship

A relationship is between two people, and it requires effort and dedication from both parties to survive. Everyone who wants to live together must respect each other. This actually requires effort, as you have to put your ego and pride aside, along with any preconceived notions you may have.

A relationship is a two-way street. To play the game, you both need to be active and make all kinds of licenses. You must also establish boundaries and respect them. This is the only way to have a balanced and long lasting relationship.

So, what are the five things that will affect a relationship to the point that one wants to end it?

1. Jealousy

Bad habits that will kill your relationship

Being jealous is normal. It is logical and reasonable to fear the loss of someone who means so much to us. However, when this feeling becomes extreme and unreasonable, it only has negative consequences for those involved. Isn’t it ridiculous that most passion crimes have to do with one person’s need to own another person?

Jealousy is not flattering, and turns the one we love into: A possession we feel we must guard in the same way a dog guards a food bowl. Moreover, it signifies a clear lack of trust in each other, and little trust in our intrinsic value. Thus, it affects two of the most important pillars of a relationship: Trust and respect.

In extreme cases, jealousy leads one of the members of the relationship to reduce, or at least try to reduce the freedom of their better half. If you do this, you will easily put an end to what could have been a balanced, harmonious interplay.

2. You can take the life of your relationship by letting it get too routine

Routine is the worst enemy in a relationship, no matter how long it lasts. It can actually lead to boredom and other unpleasant feelings, such as frustration. At the same time, it can also lead to poorer communication and boredom.

If you do not take a stand against routine, you may feel bitter and isolated from your partner, even if you are both sleeping in the same bed. There is nothing worse than feeling alone because you are being ignored by the one you love. This is a clear sign that your relationship is in danger of ending.

So if you still care about it, you must take care of the seed of love you once sowed. You have to find things to do together.

Do things that say you still love and care about your partner. For example , you can go to yoga, pilates or dance classes together. You must also set aside time for yourself. In this way you will miss each other, and long for each other’s company. You can also plan trips and surprise each other. Use your imagination and desire to find your way back to the flame that once burned well, and renew their bond.


Bad habits that will kill your relationship

Trust is one of the foundations of a healthy relationship, and dishonesty is one of the worst enemies of it.

Of course, it is much better to always carefully try to tell the truth, even if it leads to conflict. It is always better to be sincere, without fear, and to take the consequences. To lie is to risk breaking your partner’s trust in you.

Dishonesty can ruin your partner’s loving feelings for you, as it is one of the most important parts of a relationship. Thus, once you have been caught lying, your boyfriend will not be able to trust what you say later.

4. Criticism and complaints

A relationship takes place between two people, and no two are alike. Thus, you can or should not expect others to develop as your previous ones did. This is a different person, who has had different experiences than yours, and the way you think and act is different, regardless of the many things you have in common.

So expecting your boyfriend to behave exactly the way you expect them to behave is completely wrong, unreasonable and sometimes even toxic. If you constantly complain and criticize, your relationship will get worse and worse.

It is much better to communicate, and to have a constructive conversation to come to an agreement that works for both parties in a relationship.

5. Infidelity

Bad habits that will kill your relationship

There is no way around it: Infidelity is a form of betrayal. If you are the type of person who can not or does not want to be monogamous, you must say so the moment you start dating someone. If your other half thought you agreed to be monogamous, they will take infidelity as a blow to the basic foundations of their relationship: trust, respect and love.

Note that being unfaithful requires that you lie and lack commitment. However, the other person may also perceive it as a lack of integrity, that you are selfish and dishonest. No matter how willing the other person is to forgive and try to move on, something may be destroyed forever inside them.

If you want to hold on to love and have a lasting, harmonious relationship, you need to know what a moment of weakness can cost you.

Is it worth risking your family?

Keep in mind that this is some of the worst monogamous people can experience, so the risk of a subsequent breakup is worth bearing in mind.

Do not take the life of your relationship

Also keep in mind that when you truly love someone and want to have them around you, then you need to respect your boyfriend as an individual, as a partner, and as someone who trusts you. Remember that they are not obligated to forgive fraud. In addition, even if they want it, they may not be able to do it.

In conclusion, always remember that showing affection is touching another’s soul that you must take good care of. You must nurture them with love, trust, respect and experiences. Keep the loving feeling that made you with them basically alive.

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