Discover When You Should Shower And Why

While we think about the rest of our daily routines and customs, whether we take a shower in the morning or in the evening will depend on the effects we are looking for.
Discover when you should shower and why

Showering is one of the most common practices that all people share, and it is considered to be just another daily routine we have. This is because hygienic habits became part of society after the 18th century. Around that time, showering was considered harmful to the body. No wonder it was strictly forbidden for children. Fortunately, this is no longer the case, find out when you should shower and why.


Although it seems simple, showering involves much more than just getting wet, washing with soap and rinsing off. Besides cleaning itself, there are several reasons why you should shower, such as relaxing, getting refreshed, feeling better and in many cases treating certain illnesses.

A controversial topic about when you should shower

Since it is something that is done by most of the world’s population, there are, of course, different views.

One of the most popular habits is to shower in the morning before starting your daily routine, then again in the evening when everything is done and just before going to bed (twice a day). Even though we shower at these times, it is worth noting that there is no absolute truth about when to do it.

This controversy has many other valid arguments, so remember that this is something very personal and that it depends on each individual.

1. You should shower when you are dirty

This argument is perhaps the most widely used for when people need a good shower. That is the most logical thing, given that bathing is really antiseptic, or at least that is what is suggested.

2. For pleasure

It may seem strange to many, but many people shower to feel a bodily pleasure. This also includes relaxation, which can be very necessary for the muscles.

But think about your skin


The underlying disagreement about when to shower is cleared from these arguments. But there is one basic element that few or no one remembers: the skin. This is one of the most relevant factors when it comes to showering.

The skin has a kind of protective layer of bacteria. This can be greatly affected by excessive showering or the use of bath products (soap, creams and others). The medical community recommends taking a shower once a day, to prevent excessive showering from becoming a hazard to the protective layer mentioned above. It should be taken into account that the number of showers we take over time can lead to problems with cutaneous tissue, such as eczema or allergies.

So, when should we take a shower?


Without mentioning them, suffice it to say that there are as many valid arguments for showering in the morning as in the evening.

Here are some of the ones that support each page:

Showering in the morning

It is only recommended to shower in the morning when some of these reasons are part of your daily routine.

  • You get up early.
  • Problems with shaving early in the morning.
  • Drowsiness when you get up.
  • Excessive night sweats.
  • Easy working day.
  • Showering at night affects the amount of sleep.
  • Oily skin.

Showering in the evening

The reasons for showering in the evening, especially before bedtime, are usually the opposite of those mentioned above.

  • Little time in the morning.
  • You use makeup.
  • Excessive fatigue.
  • Demanding working day.
  • Extensive physical activity (sports or walking).
  • Excessive sweating during the day.
  • You use a bicycle to get around.
  • You need to relax and sleep well.

What kind of water is best for showering?


After discussing the arguments about what is the best time to shower, there is still a question to be solved: what kind of water should we use? In general, there are two alternatives: hot and cold. From these, we can add a third, which is lukewarm. It’s never good to go to extremes. Therefore, the most advisable water for the body is lukewarm (more cold than hot).

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