Do You Lose A Lot Of Hair? Here Are 7 Possible Reasons Why

In general, anemia or lack of protein tend to be two of the most common causes of hair loss. However, we should also be aware of other possible problems.
Do you lose a lot of hair?  Here are 7 possible reasons why

In the following article, we will address the causes so that you can identify and analyze why you are losing a lot of hair.

Excessive hair loss is a common problem that can affect both women and men of all ages.

Hair loss occurs when the scalp and hair follicles suffer from some type of change. This may be the result of an illness or certain changes in the environment.

It is common to lose between 90 and 100 hairs every day. However, many people lose so much that it can be noticed on the thickness of their hair.

The problem is that some people ignore hair loss when it first starts, and they do not think about the reasons why it happens.

Because of this, it is important to find out what the causes may be so that one can  choose an appropriate treatment.

Why do you lose a lot of hair?

1. Protein deficiency

Protein deficiency

Hair consists mainly of protein. Because of this, a protein deficiency in the body is partly responsible for hair weakness and loss.

This is due to the fact that the body begins to ration the small amounts of protein that are left. This stops the growth and weakens the hair.


To maintain healthy, thick hair and reduce loss, be sure to consume the following foods:

  • lean meat
  • seed
  • nuts
  • dried fruit
  • legumes
  • avocado
  • dairy products
  • egg

2. Excessive use of chemicals

Chemical cosmetic treatments are usually used to give a new look to the hair or even to treat dryness and split ends.

The problem is that many of these products use harmful substances.  Over time , these cause irreversible damage that causes hair loss.

Hair dyes, bleaching treatments, and some shampoos tend to cause changes in both hair and scalp.

What should you do?

  • Use masks and capillary treatments with natural ingredients.

3. Thyroid problems

Thyroid problems

Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can cause hair loss due to the changes in hormones that the thyroid gland causes.

These conditions manifest themselves in various changes in the body. If these changes are not addressed, they can lead to serious consequences.

What should you do?

  • If you suspect these changes, consult your doctor for a blood test to measure the effects that your thyroid gland may have on your hormones.

Hereditary factors why you lose a lot of hair

Sometimes hair loss is not caused by a particular condition or disease.

The bad news is that treatment is more difficult in these cases because the condition is a matter of genetics.

If this is the case, hair loss that occurs after the age of 20 can get worse.

What should you do?

  • Consult a doctor to determine if hereditary genes are the cause of your hair loss, and decide what action you want to take to reduce it.

5. Anemia


Anemia occurs due to lack of iron. This is a mineral that is essential for the production of red blood cells.

Having anemia is an indication that there is not enough hemoglobin, and because of this it is difficult to transport oxygen from the cells to the body.

One of the main effects of anemia is hair loss, which will improve once the condition is treated.

What should you do?

  • Increase your intake of foods rich in iron and start with a recommended treatment by a specialist.

6. Polycystic ovary syndrome

For women, there are hormonal conditions that can cause hair loss.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the conditions that causes severe imbalances in hormone levels. This also causes weakening of the scalp and hair.

A woman with this disorder should be under the care of a doctor, as it can lead to infertility.

What should you do?

  • Consult a physician about hormone imbalances.
  • Get a treatment to strengthen your hair to minimize the negative effects of this condition.

7. Stress

Mental and physical stress are a common cause of hair loss. However, this effect is easy to ignore, as the reactions produced by the body cause other problems that require greater caution.

What should you do?

  • Practice relaxing exercises and try to avoid stressful environments.

Are you losing a lot of hair due to one of these ailments? If you suffer from hair loss, contact your GP and start an effective treatment now.

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