Eight Foods To Trigger A Bowel Movement

When you take care of the intestines, you also promote the optimal function of your entire body. By eating foods that are rich in fiber, you go to the bathroom more often.
Eight foods to trigger a bowel movement

If you suffer from constipation, take a look at the following recommendations to trigger a bowel movement. If you start incorporating these foods into your diet, you will quickly notice a difference.

First of all, remember that the colon is home to millions of parasites, bacteria and fungi.

All contribute to the proper elimination of waste. It is also important to drink plenty of water and eat foods high in fiber including fruits and vegetables that help ensure the right amount and combination of microbes.

Foods that help to trigger a bowel movement


Flaxseed will cause you to have a bowel movement more often

According to this study conducted by the Federal Fluminense University in Brazil, flaxseed will cause you to have a bowel movement more often. This type of seed contains a lot of fiber, at least two grams per tablespoon.

For this reason, it is a good choice for people who suffer from constipation. And best of all, you can combine them with just about any food you can think of.

Do not hesitate to add this excellent food to things like smoothies or even pasta sauces. Try it for yourself.

2. Apples to trigger a bowel movement

Apples are a wonderful fruit. They are known to have large amounts of essential minerals and nutrients.

Apples help to promote good body function. In addition, because they contain a high amount of soluble fiber known as pectin, they can help stimulate intestinal transit. This claims a study conducted by Hospital La Fuenfría in Madrid.

3. Raisins

Raisins are rich in fiber.

Raisins are rich in fiber. In fact, a single raisin contains one gram of fiber, so this is definitely a food that is useful for people suffering from digestive problems.

4. Kiwi to trigger a bowel movement

Kiwi is another food that will help you get healthy stools. A single kiwi can provide at least five grams of fiber.

According to this study conducted by Revista Española de Nutrición Humana y Dietética  in Spain , this fruit also contains a lot of vitamin C and contains many antioxidants, so it is a good choice for your skin and your immune system.

5. Oranges

Eight foods to trigger a bowel movement

As everyone already knows, oranges contain a lot of vitamin C, but what you may not know is that they also contain a lot of fiber.

The next time you feel like an orange – do not just drink the juice – eat the whole fruit. This way you will benefit from all the fiber in the mass with a low amount of calories.

6. Oatmeal to trigger a bowel movement

Oatmeal is known for its anti-cholesterol properties, as claimed in this study conducted by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. However, it can also give at least two grams of soluble and insoluble fiber per 125 dl.

7. Yogurt

Yogurt is another powerful food to eat if you want to go to the bathroom more often.

Yogurt is another powerful food you should eat if you want to go to the bathroom more often. This is confirmed in this study conducted by the University of Barcelona.

The bacterial probiotics lactobillus found in yogurt promote regular daily bowel movements without exertion, and can be very helpful for those who have problems with intestinal transit.

8. Prayers

Beans are a type of legume that provides almost twice as much fiber as any other vegetable. They are a well-rounded food that can be eaten with many different dishes.

Beans can be added in varieties of stews and salads. Another option is to make vegetarian burgers with cooked beans.

If you include any of these foods in your daily diet, you will see the improvement in your gut biochemistry and you will have no trouble going to the bathroom.

If you take care of your intestines, your body will function properly. These tips will help you achieve that. Therefore, you should not hesitate to use one of these effective solutions and start taking better care of your intestinal health before it gets worse!

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