Fight Oily Skin With Rice Water Tones

It was the Japanese who discovered the benefits of rice water for the skin, when they discovered that they had much softer hands after working in the rice fields all day.
Fight oily skin with rice water tones

Oily skin is a problem that occurs when the activity of the sebaceous gland is disturbed. These glands are responsible for producing natural oils that maintain hydration, and for creating a protective barrier against toxins and other harmful pollutants.

Overproduction of oil can clog pores, causing  blemishes such as blackheads and acne. In addition, because your skin has an oily texture, it will start to look shiny and dirty.

Not everyone knows how to do something about this. In their quest to find better skin care products, they sometimes choose alternatives that aggravate the pH imbalance.

Therefore, it is a good idea to use cosmetic products that are natural. Due to their milder formula, they can help you gain control of your skin, without causing unwanted side effects.

In today’s article, we will share a recipe for rice water tones, which will eliminate excess oil and nourish your skin.

Are you ready to try it?

Rice water tones against oily skin

Oily skin

Rice is used all over the world and is the second most popular grain produced. The many nutritional properties are unique, because in addition to giving your body energy, they also nourish. Although rice is mainly used for cooking, there are some alternative uses within the aesthetic realm.

In fact, some cosmetic manufacturers use rice to develop treatments and anti-aging creams, because the properties help the skin to regenerate.

While many still do not know about the many uses of rice as a beauty product, Eastern cultures have used rice for centuries to contract body tissue and make you look younger.

Oily skin

The wonderful discovery of rice water

The benefits for the skin were discovered by Japanese women who worked in the rice fields while washing the rice. They noticed that their hands were much softer and prettier after handling the product.

The rest is history.

Today , rice continues to be used for cosmetic purposes, as the nutrients can improve the condition of your skin remarkably:

  • It not only removes impurities on the surface, it also eliminates excess oil and blackheads.
  • Applying it to the skin regulates the skin’s natural pH, and can control the symptoms of chronic problems such as acne, eczema and psoriasis.
  • Rice is also recommended as a bleaching agent,  because it brightens dark spots.

How do you make the rice water toner?

Natural rice water tones are a product that does not contain added chemicals, unlike commercial alternatives. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that repair cells, to prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging.

You can incorporate it into your daily beauty routine, and even use it several times a day. Its natural properties will cleanse the pores and remove the oil that makes your face look shiny.


  • 5 tablespoons organic rice (100 g)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)

Kitchen utensils

  • 1 spray bottle
  • 1 ball


  • Bring the water to a boil, remove from the heat and pour into the bowl.
  • Add the organic rice, cover, and let it sit for 30 minutes.
  • Then strain the liquid with a fine sieve.
  • Pour the rice water toner into the spray bottle and spray it on the skin.

Area of ​​use

  • Remove any make-up and wash your face with soap and water. Spray the toner on your face.
  • Make sure it is well absorbed and let it soak in without rinsing.
  • Repeat this program every morning before putting on makeup,  and in the evening before bedtime.
  • If you want, you can do it up to three or four times a day, if you notice that you still have oily skin on your face.

As you can see, it is easy to make your own toner and it does not require you to use expensive ingredients. Although there are many ways to create tones for oily skin, this recipe will give your face an extra dose of vitamins and minerals, due to the rice.

Add it to your daily beauty routine and see the benefits for yourself!

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