Five Natural Products To Make Wooden Floors Shine

Five natural products to make wooden floors shine

You do not have to buy expensive wax products to make wooden floors shine again. While it is true that these products are effective, there are some alternative solutions that provide similar results without the need for the use of aggressive chemicals.

Best of all, they help keep wood floors in good condition by removing dirt and preventing stains and cracks from forming. They are also environmentally friendly alternatives because they are made with 100% natural ingredients.

Five products that are good for making wooden floors shine

Do you want to make your wooden floors shine naturally? There are many people who are looking for such opportunities. So keep reading to find out about five of the best natural products you can use for this task.

1. Beeswax and olive oil

The combination of beeswax and olive oil creates a homemade wax product for wooden floors and furniture. You can even add a little fragrance oil extract for a pleasant, fresh smell after you have cleaned them.


  • 100 grams of beeswax
  • 200 grams of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon lavender essential oil (5 g, optional)

Instructions for use

  • Add the beeswax to a heat-resistant container and melt it in the microwave or a saucepan.
  • Once melted, add the olive oil and mix well.
  • After two minutes over low heat, allow to cool.
  • Store this mixture in a jar.


  • Soften some of this wax in the microwave and rub it on any wood surface that needs a little shine.
  • Polish with a soft cloth or mop until you get the desired effect.

2. Coconut oil and lemon

Due to the oil and moisture properties, coconut oil can act as an alternative product to make wooden floors shine again. If you also combine it with a little lemon juice, you get a disinfectant product that fights mites and bacteria.


  • 100 grams of coconut oil
  • The juice of 1 lemon

Instructions for use

  • Melt the coconut oil in a saucepan and combine it with the lemon juice.
  • Store this in an airtight container until you are ready to use it.


  • Apply this mixture on wooden floors and polish with a dry mop.
  • Let it be absorbed without removing it.

3. Clear vinegar and olive oil

Five natural products to make wooden floors shine

The mixture of clear vinegar and olive oil results in a complete wood and floor cleaner. Antimicrobial properties help to disinfect the surface, while the oily compounds give it shine.


  • 125 ml clear vinegar
  • 125 ml olive oil

Instructions for use

  • Pour the vinegar into a deep bowl.
  • Add the olive oil and mix well.


  • Spray wood surfaces with this solution and rub them with a cloth or soft rag.
  • Clean until you get the desired level of gloss.

4. Clear vinegar and jojoba oil

If using olive oil is not an option, you can always enhance the cleansing effects of clear vinegar with a little jojoba oil. Although this will work as a previous solution, it is great for giving a fresh scent and disinfecting surfaces.


  • 125 ml clear vinegar
  • 62 ml jojoba oil

Instructions for use

  • Combine clear vinegar and jojoba oil in a bowl.


  • Apply this product on any wood surface and let it work for a few minutes.
  • Poles until the surface begins to shine.

5. Almond oil

Almond oil contains moisturizing properties that make wooden floors shine again without much trouble. By applying it, the surface softens directly and eliminates stains formed by dirt buildup.


  • 62 ml almond oil
  • 125 ml of water

Instructions for use

  • Add the oil to a bowl and stir in the water.
  • Avoid using hot water as it may damage the properties of the oil.


  • Spray this mixture on the surface you want to clean and polish with a cloth.

Have you noticed that your wooden floors or furniture look dull and dull? Try one of these natural solutions. As you can see, they are easy to prepare, all the ingredients are safe for you and the environment, and they make wooden floors shine again!

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