Five Treatments To Get Rid Of Flat Warts

To get rid of flat warts, you need to be consistent in the application of these homemade treatments, as it is the only way you can get satisfactory results.
Five treatments to get rid of flat warts

Flat warts are another common manifestation of human papillomavirus (HPV), which often affects the younger part of the population. Flat warts are a small lesion in the skin. They are slightly raised, reddish / brownish in color, and are characterized by having a flat and wart-like surface.

They often appear on parts of the face, but they also tend to be found on the hands and neck. They do not pose a serious problem, but they are contagious and appear when your immune system is weakened.  Fortunately, there are many natural treatments that can help eliminate them without having to resort to aggressive methods.

In this article we will share the five best treatments that you do not have to hesitate to try when you are bothered with this problem.

Pay attention!

1. Castor oil and baking soda against flat warts

Castor oil together with baking powder can remove flat warts

The fatty acids and antioxidants in castor oil, combined with the vitamins and minerals in baking soda, provide an effective treatment for flat warts. These form a sticky mask which, when applied to the affected area, helps to get rid of these protrusions. 


  • 2 tablespoons of castor oil (30 grams)
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda (5 grams)

This is what you do

  • Mix the castor oil with baking soda.


  • Rub the product over the warts and cover with a plaster or tape.
  • Let it sit overnight and repeat the procedure every day before bedtime for a month. 

2. Aloe vera and chamomile oil

Aloe vera gel is a product that helps rehydrate and regenerate the skin, giving you an important dose of antioxidants and minerals.

In this treatment, we strengthen the effect with the formidable chamomile oil, to soften the warts and make it easier to get rid of them.


  • 3 tablespoons of aloe vera jelly  (45 grams)
  • 1 tablespoon of chamomile oil (15 grams)

This is what you do

  • Mix the aloe vera with a tablespoon of the chamomile oil.


  • In the evening, before bedtime, apply a generous amount of the product on the warts.
  • Cover with self-adhesive plaster and let it sit overnight.
  • Cleanse the following day and repeat the treatment until you notice improvement. 

3. Onion juice and salt

Onion juice may not smell pleasant, but can help you with your ailments

The sulfur components in onions have an antiviral effect that helps fight viruses that can cause warts on the skin.  Its natural acids restore the skin’s pH and soften the hard surface while eliminating dead cells.


  • 1 onion
  • 1 teaspoon of salt (5 grams)

This is what you do

  • Peel and cut the onion into many pieces.
  • Put them in a container and cover with a teaspoon of salt.
  • Let it steep for 10 minutes and mix together in a blender to extract the juice.


  • Put a cotton ball in the onion juice and apply on the warts.
  • Let the product sit on for a couple of hours, or all night. 
  • Repeat the use every day until your skin is cured.

4. Natron

The exfoliating and emollient effect of baking soda  can help you reduce the size of flat warts that may appear on the face and hands. Its properties eliminate dead skin cells and help to improve circulation to achieve optimal regeneration of the cells.


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 grams)
  • 2 tablespoons of water (30 grams)

This is what you do

  • Mix baking soda with the water until you have a thick paste.


  • Rub the product over the flat warts with circular, massaging movements.
  • Let it sit for 40 minutes  before cleaning.
  • Repeat use every day until the warts are gone.

5. Vitamin C.

Vitamin C.

Vitamin C in tablet form has an acidic pH level that helps you treat the skin when warts and scars appear.  Direct application supports cell recovery and removes impurities and dead cells.


  • 2 tablets with vitamin C.
  • 1 tablespoon of water (15 grams)

This is what you do

  • Crush the tablets with vitamin C in a mortar until you have a fine powder.
  • Mix with a tablespoon of water and form into a paste.


  • Spread the treatment over the area with flat warts and leave it on for 30 to 40 minutes. 
  • Rinse with warm water and repeat use every day. 

Remember, for these treatments to give you results, you need to be consistent with the application. If you only apply it from time to time, it will be difficult to see any change. 

If you are not able to get rid of warts with these methods, consult a doctor to know about other procedures.

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