Ginger And Turmeric: A Painkiller For Joint Pain

Did you know that ginger and turmeric have properties that give you a good natural solution to joint pain? This way you do not have to resort so much to chemically produced anti-inflammatory medication!
Ginger and turmeric: A painkiller for joint pain

Did you know that thanks to the properties found in ginger and turmeric, you have a natural remedy for joint pain without having to resort to pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory medication?

Joint pain is a common problem among all animals (yes, it includes humans). Furthermore, it is quite common among young people with joint pain. So do not even think for a minute that it is a disease that comes with age.

Although there are many chemical treatments to relieve the pain, natural cures are better alternatives. Among them, ginger and turmeric are popular in many places.

Ginger and turmeric have excellent properties as a natural remedy for joint pain. In this article, we will tell you about these medicinal roots and how they can be used as medicine.

Ginger and turmeric

What is ginger?

Remedy for joint pain ginger.

Ginger is a root tuber (the thickest part of the root, also called the root stalk) which is well known for its use in the kitchen. Many people use it because of its intense smell and strong taste. This plant can grow over one meter tall, but it is down to the ground, like a root.

Although it is widely known for its culinary and strong taste that can permeate any dish, ginger also has many health-promoting properties for the body. One of the best is that it helps to strengthen blood circulation, in addition to helping to improve digestion.

However, that is not all!

Our joints also benefit from the many benefits of eating ginger.

What is Turmeric?

What is Turmeric?

Like ginger, turmeric is highly valued in the culinary world. This meter-tall plant with oblong leaves originates from India.

What we know as turmeric is the root of the plant that grows underground. These rootstocks are also known as India’s answer to saffron, due to the characteristic orange color , which gives the food you use it in, a yellowish touch.

When it comes to the medical field, turmeric has many good properties. Most of them go on digestion. This is due to its carminative properties which prevent the formation of gases in the digestive system. Therefore, they help relieve a sore stomach.

The main property of turmeric, however, is its anti-inflammatory substances. This makes it a good friend for all those who struggle with arthritis, regardless of age or other circumstances.

Why are you in pain?

Is there a remedy for joint pain?

Joint pain is a symptom of discomfort that often occurs in the knees, elbows, shoulders, wrists, ankles and many other joints. The pain can range from mild, if it comes from physical activity, to acute, if it becomes permanent.

As a rule, joint pain has a link to arthritis. When the pain is acute, one of the main reasons is that it is arthritis. Other diseases such as bursitis or tendinitis also create regular joint pain.

Whether it stems from excessive physical exertion or from poor nutrition, this pain can be controlled with natural preparations. Ginger and turmeric drinks are among the best alternatives we can find.

Ginger and turmeric for joint pain

Ginger and turmeric for joint pain

You need to know that drinking this regularly will be very effective for the joints. The best way to benefit from both of these ingredients is to make an infusion. The mixture of ginger and turmeric is very powerful. If you also add a little cinnamon and a few drops of lemon, you will have an even more effective effect. You can also strengthen the preparation further with a little honey.

We recommend that you drink this mixture daily for a couple of weeks. Do it as the first thing you do in the morning, before you start anything else.


  • 1 tablespoon malt turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon chopped ginger
  • 3 cups of water
  • 1 tablespoon grated or ground cinnamon
  • The juice of half a lemon


  • First, boil the water. When it starts to boil, add turmeric, ginger and cinnamon.
  • Then, in order for the water to absorb all the nutrients and for it to be boiled down properly, you have to let it boil for 30 minutes.
  • Remove from the heat and let stand for a few minutes.
  • Finally, add lemon juice. Strain it before serving.

Ginger and turmeric are great friends to have when you have joint pain. The drink is an excellent alternative if you regularly struggle with disorders such as arthritis or osteoarthritis or another form of joint pain.

Natural medicine has the answer to many of our problems that we may experience in our body. Pain in the joints can be relieved with turmeric and ginger. Just remember, as always, that if in doubt, always consult your doctor for advice if the pain does not go away.

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