How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Aside from exercising or avoiding alcoholic beverages and stimulants, choosing the right sleeping position will benefit you to ensure a good night’s sleep.
This is how you can get a good night's sleep

Lack of sleep stimulates poor diet, changes our emotions and our ability to concentrate. It also increases the risk of developing various diseases, such as obesity. Drinking too much coffee, exercising at inappropriate times, following different routines every day and going to bed at different times every day are enemies of a good night’s sleep.

When it comes to sleep, the goal is to minimize health risks and improve your physical well-being. The question is how to achieve this goal. These tips to help you get a good night’s sleep will bring many health benefits.

In this article, we will give you some tips to help you get high quality sleep.

How to get a good night's sleep

Sleep disorders

The first thing you need to do is identify any problems and seek natural remedies. Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder and it affects your quality of life. Discovering the causes and having good sleep hygiene will help you overcome it.

Another common, but far more dangerous, sleep disorder is sleep apnea. It can trigger hypertension and brain and heart disease, especially heart attack.

  • People who suffer from it stop breathing for at least ten seconds several times during the night, which reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood. In these cases, medical treatment is important.

It’s not just about sleeping, but about sleeping well.

Some tips to help you get a good night’s sleep

How to get a good night's sleep: woman sleeping peacefully on a pillow

These tips to help you get a good night’s sleep will provide good rest, which minimizes stress hormones and thus the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

How to get a good night’s sleep: Adapt to your body’s needs

Although it has been said that an adult should sleep between 7 and 8 hours each night, each person is different.

  • Each person should discover how many hours they need to feel completely rested and thus try to get those hours of sleep each night. It all depends on your lifestyle.

Avoid stimuli

Drinking coffee, chocolate, tea, soft drinks and other stimulants will not help you get a good night’s sleep.

  • You should stop taking them in the afternoon so that they do not affect you and your sleep.

How to get a good night’s sleep: Eat light dinners

woman deciding what to eat in front of the fridge

Eating a light dinner without fat or diuretic components at least three hours before going to bed will not disturb your rest. However, it is not advisable to go to bed hungry.

  • You should avoid foods such as bacon, cheese, nuts or red wine that contain tyramine. These foods release norepinephrine, a brain stimulant that can keep you awake all night.

Take advantage of the benefits of exercise

Exercising regularly in the morning after breakfast or in the afternoon before dinner uses energy that will be regained at night.

Physical activity raises body temperature, so we do not recommend exercising before bedtime.

Here’s how to get a good night’s sleep: Alcohol and tobacco

a person who says no to a glass of beer

The belief that a glass of alcohol can help you fall asleep is half true.

In the initial phase , alcohol reduces the activity of the brain, but then it changes sleep.

Also nicotine addiction can interfere with sleep. Spending several hours without smoking creates a feeling of deprivation.

Therefore, it is recommended to quit smoking permanently. The following sleep plans, including weekends, will regulate this activity.

  • Tryptophan in milk, an amino acid that regulates serotonin levels in the brain, makes it helpful to drink a glass of milk before bed.
  • Eggs and whole grains also contain tryptophan.

A little nap

The ideal thing to do if you feel sleepy is to go to bed, but taking a short 30-minute nap is a healthy option.

These naps help you relax your body and will not disturb your night’s sleep.

No noise, light or heat

woman with sleep problems

It is good to turn off the TV and radio at night. If you can not achieve complete silence, earplugs are a good choice.

  • Your room should be dark, with a temperature of approx. 20 ° C.
  • A few drops of horseradish root or chamomile infusion before bedtime makes you relax and facilitates rest.
  • Some perfumes, essential oils or creams also contain fragrances that make you sleepy.

Sli you can get a good night’s sleep: The best sleeping position

Lying on your back minimizes damage to the neck, as well as pressure in the lungs, headaches and insomnia.

According to specialists , sleep on the left side favors cardiac activity, circulation, digestion and lymphatic drainage.

However, sleeping on the right side increases reflux.

Remember these tips to get a better night’s sleep!

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