How To Get Shiny, Beautiful Hair

You have probably tried both expensive and hard products on your hair, and they may not have worked as you expected. In this article you will find natural treatments for a beautiful and shiny hair.
How to get shiny, beautiful hair

Shiny, beautiful hair is a sign of youthfulness, good health and good care. Your scalp may even reflect on what is going on in your life or in the environment around you. Therefore, it is important to take good care of your hair and to be happy with it.

You have probably tried both expensive and hard products on your hair, and they may not have worked as you expected. In this article you will find natural treatments for shiny and beautiful hair.

Our options for beautiful hair

egg whites

1. Banana and eggs

Divide a banana into small pieces and mash it with a fork. Then mix the banana puree with the egg white from one egg. Stir until you get a thick mixture. You can mix in some natural yoghurt if it gets too thick. Apply the mixture to the hair.

2. Mayonnaise

It may be a little uncomfortable with the oily mayonnaise, but it is an effective mask for the hair. Apply the mayonnaise to dry hair and let it work for 20 minutes. Feel free to cover your hair with plastic wrap or a plastic bag to avoid spills while the mayonnaise is working. Then wash your hair and finish with conditioner if necessary. This treatment gives fat to the scalp.


3. Avocado

You need one avocado for short hair, and two for long hair. Mash the avocado and apply from root to tip. Let the treatment work for 20 minutes, then wash your hair as normal. This treatment can be used every other day.


4. Beer

Pour the beer into a glass and let it stand for approx. one hour to remove the foam. Then massage the beer into clean hair and let it work for 10 minutes. To remove the treatment, use plenty of water and conditioner. It will remove the smell of beer.

aloe vera plants

5. Aloe vera and honey

It is no secret that aloe vera has a brightening effect on the hair. This is a simple treatment: mix the contents of four aloe vera leaves and three tablespoons of honey. Mix the mixture with shampoo, and then wash as usual.

6. Fruit mask

This treatment requires a little more time and preparation. Peel and mash two bananas, and mix in the juice from two oranges. Stir until you get a thin mixture. Add five tablespoons of honey, and mix well. Massage the mixture with your fingertips. Let the treatment work for 2 hours, then wash your hair as normal.


7. Lemon

Mix a few drops of lemon with water. Apply this to the hair and let it work for 15 to 20 minutes. Then wash your hair as usual. We recommend that this treatment is done in the evening, or that you avoid the sun while you have the treatment in your hair.

We recommend…

Use nutritious masks at least once a week. Brush your hair gently. Avoid straighteners and hair dryers with excessive heat. Take care of hair roots and scalp for shiny, beautiful hair.

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