How To Succeed With Children’s Emotional Development

Development is not meant just to fill an empty mind with knowledge and to gather information. Teaching children also includes other strategies to help them learn to be happy in this complex world, while also promoting the happiness of others.
How to succeed with children's emotional development

You can teach kids to just cross the street when the lights are green. Teach them to take care of their pets, read books and multiply numbers. Even recycling waste at home. But can you also teach them to express their feelings? Teach them to say the things they feel out loud before slamming the door and locking themselves in their room? How to succeed with children’s emotional development?

Development is not meant just to fill an empty mind with knowledge and to gather information. Teaching children also includes other strategies to help them learn to be happy  in this complex world, while also promoting the happiness of others. It is important that you teach your children good values ​​and emotional development every single day.

Given that the school has never integrated this topic into its academic curricula, it is important that from a very young age you remember the following aspects of emotional development that we want to share with you.

How to develop your child’s emotional development


A child’s development begins from the first day they are born. The development also gives love, caresses, kind words, and habits. It happens during feeding, when they sleep, and the smiles that you encourage your child to try to imitate.

Emotional development is the voice that gives them encouragement and support, the one that gives them a sense of security for every step they take, the reinforcement that teaches them to be brave after all – all of this is children’s emotional development.

The real adventure begins at the age of eight. At this time, children begin to understand what the world really is and who they are. They already have a sense of justice and of what is right and wrong.

From this point on, they will continue to create their  personality and their interests. They will go out into the world with greater curiosity, where you are the key to offering them support, independence, and love in everyday life.

Pay attention to the dimensions you should encourage as part of your child’s emotional development.

1. Self-awareness


Children should grow up to be the best version of themselves. What does that mean? They must be aware of both their potential and their limitations.

Teach them the value of doing things themselves, of being independent, so that they can see what they are capable of, what they are good at, and where it can potentially go wrong.

Be careful not to over-protect them, as this will prevent them from being responsible or gaining a good sense of self. Let them grow and support them with every step they take, and always remember that every time they do something wrong, do not punish them – rather teach them how to do better.

Give them responsibility


An emotionally mature person is responsible for himself. They are someone who does not depend on others to do things for them, and they trust in their own abilities.

As children get older, give them more responsibility. They must learn that life is not just about rights and freedoms, but that we must all be responsible for our actions in order to be free.

Learn to be happy, but also to accept frustrations


From a very young age, children should learn to understand that they can not have everything. Every time they get a negative response from you, they should not react as if the world is over. Here is an example:

Your eight-year-old son asks you if you can buy him a cell phone. Obviously he’s still too young for that, so you discuss it with him and expect him to understand. If he has a tantrum, hits furniture and shouts, he has not yet learned to accept frustration. In the long run, this can lead to a lot of misery, but when taken care of properly, you can calmly explain the situation and why it is so.

4. The meaning of “ordinary good” and “win-win”


Life is not an island we travel to alone. We live in a society with other people that becomes part of our daily lives, where we bond and grow emotionally as a society.

What does that mean? To be successful with children’s emotional development, you need to work on the following aspects:

  • Encourage empathy so that they recognize the feelings of others, such as grandparents, siblings, friends…
  • Help them understand that if they do something wrong, it will also affect other people. If they want to be respectful, understanding, and make other people happy, then ” everyone wins. ” If they smile at someone, they will most likely get a smile back. Positive emotions are always the most powerful.
  • It is also important to ensure that children learn to be happy with themselves – they must have hobbies they like and try new things that give them knowledge and satisfaction. At the same time, they will learn that good self-love is a powerful shield. With good self-confidence and acceptance from their physical and emotional selves, they will be better able to love others.

Start putting these tips into practice today, and you will see how much success you have in children’s emotional development.

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