Is It Hard To Express Love To Your Partner?

If you find it difficult to express the love you feel for your partner, perhaps you should look inward to try to find the cause since it is probably due to your past experiences.
Is it hard to express love to your partner?

It can be very difficult to express love for another person. This can undoubtedly cause various problems in love relationships.

We need our partner to express love to us orally, not just through actions. This comforts us, makes us feel good and can even give us some security.

What does words really mean to us? If our partner is only able to express love with actions, why is this not enough for us?

The reasons why it costs you to express love

There are several reasons why you find it difficult to express love to your partner.

To discover them, we must go back to childhood, the stage where most of the problems we have to face in adulthood arise.

A sad mother and daughter

The following are some of the reasons:

  • Expressions of love are not familiar words to you.
  • You are afraid to commit.
  • You have had disappointing love experiences.
  • You may suffer from alexithymia.

Apart from the last point, all the previous ones are based on experiences or situations that have marked the steps you are now taking in romantic relationships.

If your parents did not use loving words, it is natural that you have not learned to behave in this way in relationships.

Similarly, if you have had painful experiences or if your romantic relationship is linked to the word “pain”, it is possible that this has led to fear of commitment.

Although all of this has marked you, you can choose how to act in your romantic relationship. You are an adult and responsible for your life. If you are conscious, you can learn to express love to your partner.

The last of the cases, alexithymia, is exceptional. If you are unable to express love to your partner because you suffer from this neurological disorder, a professional will be the best person to indicate the steps you should follow.

Your partner is very helpful

If the problem of not being able to express love is due to painful experiences, it is important that you know that your partner plays a very important role.

A man who comforts a woman

The natural tendency will be to criticize yourself because you do not tell your partner how you feel. They get mad at you for that. All this will not help you.

It is therefore important that the partner is aware that they have an important job to do. They can help those who are not able to express what they feel like doing it.

To do this, we must take into account certain points:

  • Communicate with your partner with love. Never use anger to reprimand them for something that is not so easy for them.
  • Choose a quiet and comfortable place where both are comfortable. This is the best way to talk about a topic that is as sensitive as emotion.
  • Be empathetic and patient. It is very difficult for your partner to express love. Put yourself in their shoes.

The positive thing about all this is that even if one helps the other to express love, the other will also learn.

You will discover how to deal with your emotions, the way you express them, whether you are able to externalize your anger or rage properly…

Is it hard to express love to your partner?

Heal the past

Even if your partner is of great help, it will be very important to go to a professional who can guide you to go the right way.

Healing the wounds of the past is never easy, and these are the ones you need to influence. If the past is not healed, it will be very difficult for emotions to be expressed.

Regardless, we need to ask ourselves what value is held in our partner that expresses the love they feel for us through words.

A couple kissing

Maybe they do it more through actions, but in our minds we have a kind of faith that gives words greater meaning.

Maybe we should remember all the situations where a lot of verbal love is expressed, but in practice they are not yet proven.

What matters more?

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