Learn How To Eliminate Cellulite With Effective And Easy Homemade Remedies

Thanks to its contribution of caffeine, massage with ground coffee can help us reduce cellulite, while we exfoliate the skin and strengthen blood circulation.
Learn how to eliminate cellulite with effective and simple homemade remedies

Cellulite is a metabolic condition that mainly affects women. It is characterized by functional and physiological changes in fibrous tissue, disturbances in blood circulation and hypertrophy in fat cells. Learn how to eliminate cellulite with natural remedies.

Cellulite does not pose a serious health risk, although it does sometimes trigger other disorders. It is mainly known as an aesthetic problem that creates a lot of discomfort . This can also affect self-esteem.

Stages of development of cellulite

Counteract cellulite

Cellulite is formed in various stages or phases, eventually leading to deconstruction in the subcutaneous tissue.

  • First stage. The venous and lymphatic microcirculation is reduced, causing vasodilation.
  • Second stage. This vasodilation makes the blood and lymph vessels permeable, so that fluid leaks to the external environment.
  • Third stage. This fluid becomes dense and thick, making it difficult to exchange nutrients between fat cells and veins.

Fat cells grow in size because they can not get rid of waste products. This type of hypertrophy in the fat cells can also cause the fat cells to rupture, causing the fat content to leak out.

  • Fourth stage. Fibrosis occurs. A network blocks both the fat cells and the blood and lymph vessels. This network makes the exchange of nutrients between the cells even more difficult.

In addition, this fibrous network compresses the nerve endings and fat cells, causing pain.

  • Fifth stage. The development of fibrosis creates macronodules, which in turn create the orange color on the outside that makes it called “orange peel”.

Symptoms of the appearance of cellulite

Cellulite on the legs

Among the prominent symptoms of cellulite we find:

  • Heaviness in the lower limbs due to accumulation of fluid (edema) and waste products
  • Edema of the ankles
  • Cramps
  • Cold feet
  • Varicose veins
  • Spontaneous bruising

What causes it?

It may be a genetic or hereditary factor. A family history of obesity and cellulite is more likely to have the problem. It will always be beneficial to monitor the diet of people who are more genetically predisposed.

  • A sedentary lifestyle or lack of exercise. Lack of physical activity makes the situation worse . Physical exercise activates blood circulation and metabolism in fat cells.
  • An inadequate diet. Excessive calorie intake results in weight gain in the fat cells. This makes the cellulite process even worse.
  • Stress. Accumulated stresses inhibit circulation. Thus , the body is unable to get rid of waste products and toxins .
  • Consumption of alcohol and tobacco. Large amounts of toxins enter the body. Alcohol inhibits the proper removal of waste products in the body, and cigarettes inhibit blood circulation.
  • Use of inappropriate clothing. Whether it is tight clothing or high heels, it can inhibit the circulation in the body. This exacerbates the problem of edema.
  • To stand for a long time at a time. This obstructs circulation and causes varicose veins.
  • Hormonal factors. The appearance of cellulite is linked to high levels of estrogen . This leads to edema or fluid retention.

Among the situations where hormonal imbalances occur are puberty, pregnancy, menopause, premenstrual syndrome or the use of birth control pills. All of these situations trigger or aggravate cellulite.

  • Problems with circulation. This prevents proper removal of toxins.

Natural remedies to eliminate cellulite

There are several natural remedies that help fight this problem. Here we will present two that will contribute greatly to improving the condition.


Avocado is a fruit that is rich in nutrients that bring moisture to the skin.



  • 1 avocado
  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil (30 g)


  • Rinse the avocado well and divide it in half.
  • Separate the pulp from the core with a spoon.
  • Put it in a bowl and mix it into an even mass .
  • Add oatmeal and olive oil and mix well until it has an even consistency.
  • Apply the mixture on areas where you have cellulite, massage it in gently with your fingertips and let it work for 20 minutes.
  • Then rinse it off with plenty of cold water.
  • Repeat the treatment about three times a week to achieve good results.

Treatment with coffee

Caffeine is one of the best substances one can use to eliminate cellulite . With the help of coffee you can make a very effective homemade cure.


  • ½ cup crushed coffee beans or ground coffee (100 g)
  • 2 tablespoons sugar (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons salt (30 g)
  • ¼ cup almond oil (50 g)
  • ¼ cup olive oil (50 g)


  • Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until you get a smooth mass .
  • Apply the mixture on the areas with cellulite and repeat every day.
  • You can do this while taking a bath, or a little earlier.
  • Let it work for 15 minutes and rinse.

Interesting facts

A bath in cold water will always be good for if you want to eliminate cellulite. The low temperature helps to restore the skin. Some people fill a tub with ice cubes and lay their whole body down.

Also remember that a healthy diet and exercise are very beneficial in preventing and eliminating cellulite . A sedentary lifestyle is the body’s number one enemy.

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