Learn How To Make A Healthy Pie With Spinach And Beetroot

There is nothing better than a delicious and nutritious spinach and leaf beet pie to impress your guests and your family. The best part of all is that you can make both vegetarian and vegan versions of it.
Learn how to make a healthy pie with spinach and beetroot

Some people have a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and have good eating habits. If this sounds like you, you will definitely enjoy this article, because we teach you how to make a delicious pie with spinach and beetroot. It’s a good vegetarian recipe!

Many people do not like the way spinach looks and tastes, but we assure you that this recipe will drive you crazy after spinach. And above all, remember that it is extremely important to incorporate this vegetable into your diet at least once a week.

Spinach keeps your heart healthy and has anti-inflammatory properties that can improve conditions such as arthritis. It also protects the lining of the stomach and improves neuronal activity due to the fact that it contains minerals such as sodium, folate and certain antioxidants.

When it comes to leaf beet, this plant has incredible nutritional properties. It is rich in vitamin A, which makes your skin look fantastic and improves eyesight. It also contains folate, which helps to form red and white blood cells and strengthen the immune system.

It is also rich in minerals such as potassium which stimulates you on a busy day. Magnesium that keeps the stomach healthy, while iron  prevents anemia and increases hemoglobin levels.

These are just a few of the reasons why you should make a healthy pie with spinach and beetroot. In addition, you can also put your personal touch on this recipe because it is very versatile.

If you want a healthier lifestyle, this is a good first step. You can also make a vegan version by substituting some of the ingredients. We are sure you will love this dish!

Pie with spinach and beetroot

Learn how to make a healthy pie with spinach and beetroot

If you are tired of what you make every night for dinner, just be a little creative and be open to new recipes. This pie with spinach and beetroot will surprise everyone, and we guarantee that even the little ones will like it.

In this way, you send the family’s taste buds on a wild trip while also taking care of your health. It is also easy to make and requires only simple ingredients. This recipe is packed with nutrients that will make you feel more energetic. It is also very tasty!

You can make it for lunch or dinner as a main course.


  • 3 cups spinach (135 g)
  • 2 cups leaf beet (90 g)
  • ½ onion
  • Two finished paibunner
  • 3 boiled eggs
  • ¼ cup grated cheese (50 g)
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 teaspoon nutmeg (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons salt (30 g)
  • 1 tbsp pepper (15 g)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil (15 ml)


Learn how to make a healthy pie with spinach and beetroot
  • You should grease the pie tin before adding the other ingredients. Use olive oil to do this.
  • Then take a pie tin and put a pie crust in the bottom of it.
  • After that, cut the spinach and beetroot into very small pieces and place them in a bowl. First add in the cheese and egg whites and mix well.
  • Then add salt, pepper and nutmeg. Mix again to mix all the flavors.
  • Then divide boiled eggs into slices and pour the mixture into the pie pan, lay down a layer of egg slices, and cover this with the other pie base.
  • Finally, set the oven to 180 ° C to 200 ° C.
  • When it is hot, put the pie in the oven. Fry it for approx. 30 minutes.
  • The pie will be ready as soon as it is golden. You can also stick a toothpick in it to check. If it comes out dry, it is ready.

Additional tips

  • To get a vegan variation of this recipe, you can replace the egg with tofu puree, flaxseed or cornstarch with 2 tablespoons of water (30 ml).
  • You can also add other vegetables such as onions and green peppers.
  • You can find vegan ready-made pie bases in some stores or specialty stores.
  • Instead of using a layer of boiled eggs, you can use eggplant, which is also very healthy.
  • Also, choose a type of vegan cheese for the preparation of this recipe.

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