Learn To Exfoliate Your Skin With Homemade Products

To avoid chemicals and exfoliate the skin with homemade products, you need a solid ingredient that you can have as a basic ingredient. This way you get rid of impurities.
Learn to exfoliate your skin with homemade products

Are you looking for natural alternatives to exfoliate your skin?

Sometimes we are surprised by the news, which tells us that one cosmetic brand or another contains toxic substances in their products. In most cases , the stores are also not aware of the toxic elements.

Despite the company’s intentions, however, the damage has already been done.

Because of this, people ask themselves what guarantee they have that the products they use now do not have harmful ingredients or side effects later.

However, there is one way to avoid this worry: try making such products yourself. This way you know the ingredients and you can use them without worry.

To make this change easier, we have decided to talk about how you can exfoliate your skin. And especially how to do it with homemade products.

As you know, it is important to cleanse your skin so that it looks young and healthy, taking into account that impurities prevent proper hydration.

It’s worth it to include this in your beauty routine, right?

Natural peeling

In the same way, peels will also help you prevent the development of fine lines and other signs of aging.

At the same time, the products you use afterwards will work better. The creams you use, such as anti-wrinkle and anti-aging creams, will be better absorbed by your skin.

Tips for exfoliating the skin with homemade products

Peeling with brown sugar

As you know, the majority of exfoliants are made from compounds with solid granules that are able to penetrate into your pores. This is what brown sugar will do.

But to use it, you need to add a base. We must stay in line with our goal of using the most natural methods. So, we’ll show you how to make a cleansing cucumber cream.


  • 1 ripe cucumber
  • 125 ml skim milk
  • 125 ml rose water


  • Cut the cucumber into small pieces.
  • Mix skim milk and rose water.
  • Refrigerate it for two hours.

Once you have made this natural cream, you just need to add brown sugar. Then apply the cream in a circular motion.

Read:  Cucumber and aloe vera jelly against wrinkles and sagging skin

Olive oil and brown sugar

Sugar to exfoliate the skin

If what caught your attention was the ability to exfoliate your skin using homemade products, here is an item that also gives you fat. However, olive oil is so much more than just that.

It is a surprising ingredient because of the interesting benefits it has. For example, it has an excellent ability to hydrate your skin. 

In addition, this oil is also able to heal the tissues, as well as acne, mosquito bites, or other wounds you have.


  • 50 grams of brown sugar
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil


  • Combine both ingredients in a container until you get a smooth mixture.
  • Then apply the mixture with circular motions anywhere on your skin.
  • For more comfort, we recommend that you use this peeling in the bath.

Yogurt with oats

Face mask

We have already talked about the benefits yogurt  has for your skin before, including its ability to revitalize dead skin cells.

In addition, it returns your pH to healthy levels. Because of this, oats are the perfect ingredient to combine with it. This is because yogurt has the same properties.

The result will be a healthier, glowing and overall younger skin. So, if you are already starting to worry about signs of aging, this is the treatment for you.


  • 1 tablespoon oatmeal
  • 125 grams of yogurt natural
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice


  • Mug the oatmeal a little.
  • In a large enough container, mix yogurt with oats and lemon until you get a more or less smooth cream.


  • Apply it on your face. Then let it work for about 15 minutes. Rinse it afterwards with cold water.
  • Finally, we recommend complementing the treatment with a good moisturizer.

These are the best natural alternatives to pharmaceutical products. As you can see, you do not need much time to make them at home, especially since the ingredients are easy to find.

Why not try it for a while and tell us how you like it? You have nothing to lose.

Unless you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you will not notice any harmful effects. And if you share your experience with us, the whole community will benefit from it.

Are you ready to give them a try?

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