Lemonade With Ginger, Cucumber And Mint For Flat Stomach

With this simple drink based on ginger, lemon, mint and cucumber, you can reduce this swelling. Let’s explain a little more!
Lemonade with ginger, cucumber and mint for flat stomach

Having a  flat stomach is the dream of many. Sometimes the extra fat in this area can be due to a typical abdominal swelling – fluid accumulations that can make it look like you have “gained weight”. With this simple drink based on ginger, lemon, mint and cucumber, you can reduce this swelling. Let’s explain a little more!

Lemon, mint, ginger and cucumber for flat stomach

Sometimes you probably notice that your stomach “bulges out”, that your muscles no longer look so good, and that it looks a little looser. It has nothing to do with whether you are thin, bloated or have a flat stomach from before.

You do not know what to do to make your stomach look flatter and not so bloated. You have to remember that such fat is most normal in women. The fat in this area is very resistant, even when exercising.

You have certainly experienced the following before: your stomach looks flat in the morning, but gets bigger during the day, and it looks especially big after meals.

But why is this happening? Most of the time this is due to a sedentary lifestyle. Your diet is also basic in this case. There are some foods that favor bloating, such as carbonated drinks and even salad or legumes.

The lemonade below can help you reduce swelling in the abdomen, but also help you lose weight around this area of ​​the abdomen that is always so criticized. We must explain why:

1. Lemon

lemon for flatter stomach

This acidic fruit contains ascorbic acid, which increases digestion, helps the body absorb nutrients and break down foods more easily.

The content of pepsin also helps you take more advantage of proteins by burning fat,  which in other words means: due to acid from lemons, your diet will be better. Lemons make you feel good, block gas, and burn fat. An ideal metabolic stimulant for any diet.

2. Ginger

Ginger is healthy for the body

Lose weight with ginger? Yes, it is possible. Ginger is anti-inflammatory, and it contains a wonderful ingredient called gingerol. This ingredient activates the function of the intestine and stomach, which aids digestion and increases the elimination of fat. If you combine ginger with other ingredients, such as the ones we have mentioned here, you will get an ideal drink to get a flat stomach .

3. Mint

Mint tea for a narrower waist

Few natural herbs are as beneficial to your digestion as mint. It eliminates gas, prevents stomach acid, helps you absorb nutrients, is anti-inflammatory, soothes you, and relieves nausea. It is simply amazing, whether you drink it as an infusion or add it to your dishes or desserts.

4. Cucumber

Cucumber has many health benefits

Cucumbers are anti-inflammatory, easy to digest, and light. It is common to use them to eliminate dark circles under the eyes ,  nourish your skin… So you can imagine how beautiful they can be for your body.

You should also remember that cucumber is diuretic, which facilitates the elimination of fluids and is great for treating infections such as cystitis and nephritis  – diseases that tend to make the stomach look bigger. No doubt about cucumber, it’s great!

How to make a lemonade of ginger, cucumber, lemon and mint?

ginger drink for flat stomach

You need this to make lemonade

  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 medium cucumber
  • 2 tablespoons grated ginger
  • 10 mint leaves

How to make it

  • It’s very simple. The first thing you need to do is make an infusion of mint. Boil 10 mint leaves in a cup of water. Let it cook for five minutes.
  • Now you need to make lemon juice. Cut off a few slices of the lemon so that you can put them on top of the lemonade, and squeeze the juice from the rest.
  • The third step is to peel and blend the cucumber. Once you have done that, add it to the mint infusion along with the lemon juice.
  • Take 1.5 liters of tap water and empty it into a glass together with the infusion of mint, cucumber and lemon. Mix everything well, add two teaspoons of grated ginger, the lemon slices, and, if you like, an extra mint leaf.

How to drink lemonade with ginger, mint, lemon and cucumber

You get two liters of lemonade with this recipe, and this makes it a wonderfully invigorating drink that you can drink during the day. It is most important that you drink the lemonade after each meal: breakfast, lunch and dinner, but it is advisable to drink it throughout the day.

It tastes best when fresh. If you also combine it with a low-fat diet and exercise, you will see that you get a flat stomach in a short time. Try this lemonade!

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