Medicinal Herbs That Give Us Energy

Ginseng tea provides a lot of energy, in addition to containing antioxidants that both help fight the effects of free radicals and protect the immune system.
Medicinal herbs that give us energy

We experience all periods that require a lot of us either physically or mentally, especially in working life. You come home from work completely exhausted and with zero energy. What can you do to feel more obvious? Here are different types of herbs that can help with just that.

The best herbs for more energy

You may be recovering from an illness. Or maybe you have a family member who is going through a difficult period and needs extra energy to cope with everyday life. Stress at work, personal problems, or late nights of schoolwork before graduation. If you only need a little extra energy to stay focused for a few extra hours: what can you do for an extra energy boost? First and foremost, you need to eat right. In addition, it is important to take care of yourself by getting enough rest, drinking enough and giving yourself time to relax during the day by going for a short walk or taking a hot bath to dissolve tension in the body . Last but not least, you should include some of these great medicinal herbs in your diet for a little extra boost. Here they come:

1. Rosemary


You probably already know the herb rosemary, and have probably already eaten food with this delicious spice. It is best known as a spice in meat and rice, but you may not have known that it is also a wonderful medicinal herb? Rosemary fights inflammation, helps improve the airways and improves digestion as well as giving us energy.

  • Rosemary reduces fatigue  and increases blood circulation – especially to the brain. It also works great if you are working on recovering from an illness. It is revitalizing and energizing.
  • It helps in better concentration: if you want to improve your concentration, try drinking two cups of rosemary tea every day. Use 20 grams of fresh rosemary or 5 grams of dried herbs per liter of water. Boil the water, add the rosemary and let it steep. Pour it into a glass container and put it in the fridge for two days.

2. Aloe vera


You probably already know how amazing the aloe vera plant is. It is known for its healing properties, super for the skin and provides the body with plenty of moisture. Another important property is the important nutrients it contains. Aloe vera contains amino acids that help rebuild the body after an illness, along with B vitamins and proteins. It is a natural treasure of a plant, with wonderful benefits.

  • To make an aloe tea, simply add a tablespoon of jelly from the plant in a cup of water and let it steep. If you add a slice of lemon it will taste even better. This is an excellent nutritious drink after lunch.

3. Guarana


You’ve probably heard of guarana (paullinia cupana). The seeds have an invigorating effect that is very similar to the effect of coffee, so remember not to ingest too much – one glass per day is enough. Guarana contains  theophylline, theobromine, xanthine, guanine and tannins. It is refreshing, increases concentration and improves mood. This is therefore a great option if you are very tired or going through a difficult period. There are drinks made from guarana that can be bought ready-made, in addition to the fact that you can buy tablets: both are available in health food stores. You can also make guarana tea, but remember not to exceed one cup per day. This is the perfect amount and will definitely make you feel better.

4. Ginseng and cinnamon tea


This is both efficient and super good. As you probably know, one of the most well-known properties of ginseng is the ability to combat fatigue and feelings of weakness. It improves the concentration and blood circulation to the brain. In addition, it acts as a natural antioxidant and fights free radicals. It also slows down the cells’ aging process and the development of diseases such as cancer, in addition to preserving the body’s immune system. Did you know that ginseng works even better in combination with cinnamon, and also tastes better? Try a combination of these two ingredients and see how your health improves!

5. Yerba Mate


We have written about the health benefits of the yerba mate plant many times. It acts as a stimulant, and has a more awakening effect on the senses than even coffee. In addition to this, we must not forget that it is a natural source of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium and manganese. You do not want to miss this, do you? It is worth trying, once a day, to improve circulation, fight fatigue and improve mood. In addition to being healthy, and a powerful antioxidant! On the other hand, it is a bit bitter in taste, so you can add a little honey for a sweeter taste. Enjoy!

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