More Human, Less Perfect, And Happier

Not many women will have the perfect body all their lives – not even models. And it goes further than that: instead of focusing on getting a perfect body, some people will feel obsessed with creating a perfect life – the dream house, a perfect man, and perfect children.
More human, less perfect, and happier

Learning to accept who you are is an adventure that can last a lifetime. When you get to the point where you are happy with yourself, with what you have and what you have achieved, you will find the inner balance that is so important. More human, less perfect, and happier!

There are people who spend most of their lives pretending to be someone they are not. And that’s not all. Far from accepting who they are, they strive to change something, which wears them out in the long run, to find the ideal that they have in mind. They will almost never accept reality and what they really are.

Not many women will have the perfect body all their lives – not even models. And it goes further than that: instead of focusing on getting a perfect body, some people will feel obsessed with creating a perfect life – the dream house, a perfect man, and perfect children.

Life is not perfect. In fact, absolute perfection does not exist. Life consists of moments, moments that can make you incredibly happy,  but the first step you must take to reach them is to accept yourself as who you are.

In today’s article, we invite you to reflect on this with us.

Less perfect, but happier

2-spreading wings

Those who know the true beauty,  says that sometimes is  the most attractive characteristic that is imperfect. If you’re wondering why, the answer is simple: your little “mistake” is what makes you unique and different, and it’s part of your magic.

When you accept everything about yourself, your weaknesses and your beauty, you will find your inner balance. In turn, it will put you in balance with the world around you and everyone in it.

The person who does not accept who she is  will develop feelings of insecurity.

  • Uncertainty creates dissatisfaction. Those who are dissatisfied with themselves become frustrated or develop negative qualities, such as jealousy and fear.
  • Having a perfect body does not make anyone happy.  In fact, many have followed a strict diet, trained daily, and even undergone plastic surgery to find that they still do not accept who they are.
  • It is also important to note that sometimes the need to be perfect will be ingrained in us from childhood. If you have a very strict mother or a father who is too serious, it can end up that you are brought up with uncertainty, to the point where you believe that perfection is the only way to success.

It is important that everyone comes at some point in life when they will finally accept that they are who they are. This should happen once in your late teens or early 20s, when you have finally matured.


From then on, you are ready to face the great experiences of your life. Only the most self-aware and emotionally mature people are able to move forward with integrity, open to all that life has to offer them, because they in turn have a lot to give to life itself.

Every day you are more human and more receptive to the things around you

What does it mean to be more human? Of course, we are all human beings – born as infants, growing and learning from our surroundings. But if there is one trait that has made us human and different from the rest of the animal kingdom, it is our ability to experience emotions, love…

To be human is to be more sensitive to the realities of everyday life.

  • It is to be able to listen to yourself and understand your needs, to intuitively know how to strengthen ties with others and show empathy…
  • We are all human, but only some of us act with true emotional intelligence, respect, communicate with integrity, and promote a positive environment where everyone around us wins and no one is the loser.

To reach this important stage where you get in touch with those around you, you must first accept yourself

  • Accepting yourself does not just mean being happy with your body, or your physical appearance.
  • Accepting yourself means confirming your past – not just your successes, but your mistakes as well.
  • It is important to accept your mistakes and at the same time learn from them. This is how you learn to accept every aspect of your life, your past and present.

Being happy and making mistakes is not mutually exclusive. And do not assume that all people who look like they have a perfect life are happy. Happiness comes from moments that, first and foremost, begin from within.

Only people who are proud of who they are, but also humble, have respect for others, and work to bring happiness to those around them, manage to make the world a better place every day. So you must always remember to be more human, less perfect, and happier.

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