Natural Laxative To Gently Cleanse Your Body

The natural ingredients in this laxative promote digestion and help the body get rid of waste. It is important to combine it with a balanced diet rich in fiber and physical exercise.
Natural laxative to gently cleanse your body

People who have problems emptying the bowel often use over-the-counter laxatives that are easy to find at the pharmacy in many different products. Everyone knows them, and for many they are the only thing that helps against chronic bouts of constipation. The problem is, due to their chemical composition, that they can cause several different unwanted side effects that can occur after a period of excessive use. Experts have proven that they can cause addiction and can change the composition of the intestinal bacterial flora over time. Try a natural laxative instead!

What many do not know is that there is 100% natural laxative. These all-natural options offer similar results without being a risk to your health, in addition to offering some additional benefits.

From the many home remedies you will find a drink that you can drink every night before going to bed, which will help you empty your bowel the following morning.

Natural laxative to quickly eliminate waste


This laxative drink uses a combination of healthy ingredients such as parsley, apple cider vinegar, honey and lemon. The digestive and antioxidant properties of these foods promote the emptying of the accumulated waste products in the body. Unlike commercial products, this remedy does not have immediate effects, but it supports the natural digestive process while you sleep.

In this way, the body absorbs nutrients better, which  improves liver function and prepares the waste to be removed in the morning. Its significant fiber content promotes bowel movement and dissolves the waste products that accumulate in the colon to prevent problems such as constipation.

This drink is also useful to increase your metabolism to prevent adipose tissue from developing, especially around the waist. In fact, combined with a healthy and balanced diet and regular exercise, it also acts as a treatment for cellulite that occurs on the legs, buttocks and abdomen.

How do I make this natural laxative?


To prepare a natural laxative, we will use some organic ingredients that you can easily find in the store.

Use this remedy three to four times a week, depending on your individual needs.

Although these ingredients are completely natural, you should not drink this drink every day, as it can reduce the body’s ability to absorb nutrients through the intestines.


  • 5 tablespoons chopped parsley
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon pure honey
  • 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 5 dl water


  • Wash the parsley and chop it as finely as possible.
  • Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a glass along with the water.
  • Mix in the remaining ingredients, stir with a wooden spoon and leave at room temperature for two hours.

This is what you do

  • Drink a glass of natural laxative one hour before bed.
  • Repeat the following evening, up to a maximum of 4 days in a row.
  • After drinking the laxative, avoid eating and drinking anything more.

Other benefits associated with this natural laxative


Although this remedy is designed to fight constipation and digestive problems , it also contains other beneficial properties for the whole body. For example, it has diuretic effects that help fight fluid retention and inflammation in the tissues.

This drink’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic compounds relieve joint pain, headaches and muscle tension. The high content of antioxidants helps reduce bad cholesterol and atherosclerosis.

In addition, it is useful for controlling high blood pressure and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Due to its powerful ability to fight free radicals, it is good for the skin’s health and prevents premature aging. Do not be alarmed if you experience bowel discomfort or stomach cramps. This is caused by the intestines eliminating accumulated residues.

Remember to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other high-fiber foods every day.


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