Peeling For Dry Skin: Create Your Own Body Peeling

You should be careful when choosing a peel for dry skin, as some ingredients can make your skin even drier and even cause irritation.
Peeling for dry skin: Make your own body peel

A homemade peel for dry skin is very beneficial for your skin, as opposed to commercial varieties, especially if your skin is dry.

The combination of clay, mud and salts has incredible properties and deeply cleanses, giving your skin beauty and elasticity.

To get rid of toxins, it is best to use ingredients such as grape seeds, strawberry seeds, chia, rosehip and quinoa. Thanks to their size, they can easily penetrate your pores and remove impurities.

Even with natural products, you need to know which ones to choose to meet your needs.

  • For example, clays tend to have a cleansing and soothing effect on the skin, while also working to disinfect and detoxify.
  • On the other hand, mud masks work to cleanse the skin and eliminate impurities.

By being well informed, you can forget about commercial peels for dry skin, which will prevent you from endangering your skin’s health.

The importance of peeling for dry skin

The outer part of our skin consists of layers of skin cells that continuously grow and die. The dead cells prevent your skin from generating new ones. This can lead to conditions such as dryness and cracks in the epidermis.

Those who have been going for a while without exfoliating the skin, or worse, have never done it, should start doing it once a week.

Natural peeling

In your home you can find more things than you think that can help you keep your skin beautiful. And they are easy to use.

We share some with you:

1. Lemon and sugar

Lemon and sugar.


  • The juice of a lemon
  • Brown sugar (as much as needed)


  • Squeeze the lemon and strain the juice so you can mix it with brown sugar
  • Add the sugar little by little until the mixture has the desired consistency, and make sure that it does not drip when you use it.


  • Spread small amounts of the mixture all over your body, but put more weight and pressure on the driest areas, such as elbows and knees. Use circular motions  and make sure you do not forget any parts of your body.
  • To finish, rinse the peel with plenty of cold water so that your pores close without absorbing anything.
  • The cleansing and disinfecting properties of the lemon, combined with the sugar that works to remove the dead cells, provide a perfect, cost-effective mixture for cleansing the skin.

2. Peeling for dry skin: Peeling with coffee

Peeling for dry skin with coffee.


  • 3 tablespoons ground coffee (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon oil of your choice (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon sugar (10 g)


  • Add the sugar and coffee in a bowl and add the oil little by little.
  • If you are going to exfoliate your whole body, we suggest that you double the amount of each ingredient.
  • Once you have a paste, cool the mixture for half an hour before using it.


  • You can use this peeling in the shower.
  • Spread the coffee paste on your body using slow, circular motions. It can take from 15 to 20 minutes to cover the whole body.
  • Doing this will eliminate dirt and your skin will be left with a wonderful aroma.
  • To finish, rinse with warm water little by little. This mixture also helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite.


Oat soap.


  • 1/2 cup ground oats (40 g)
  • 1 cup milk (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon sugar (10 g)


  • Combine oats and milk in a bowl and mix until you have a consistency that acts as a mask.
  • Once you have this, add sugar to make a doughy mixture that is ready to be applied to your face.


  • Massage your entire face with circular motions, especially the forehead, nose and chin  since these are the areas that collect the most dirt.
  • You can use this procedure every 15 days. Remember that it is important to apply a moisturizing cream after using peeling for dry skin, so that your skin becomes more radiant.

Peeling with almonds and vanilla

Almond and vanilla.


  • 1 cup almond, coconut and cinnamon oil (all in the same cup) (200 ml)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence (2 g)
  • One cup granulated sugar (200 g)
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon powder


  • To start, combine the sugar with a pinch of cinnamon
  • Then add the cup of oil little by little together with the vanilla.
  • The exfoliator should be creamy enough to be comfortable when you apply it on your face.


  • Before showering, slowly massage the mixture on your skin.
  • In addition to the natural benefits, you will also enjoy the incredible aroma.
  • If you suffer from stress, this is the perfect natural peel for you.

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