Recipes For Plant-based Milk You Can Have As A Treat

Plant-based drinks are healthy and unique options for a little treat. You can add them to your coffee, milkshakes or even vegetable soups.
Recipes for plant-based milk you can have as a treat

Maybe the afternoon is the part of the day you feel most hungry. Then it is difficult not to follow impulses to satisfy the irresistible, small cravings. However, there are also healthy options to satisfy the hunger you feel in the afternoon. For example, you can satisfy it with these three recipes for plant-based milk.

These are  special options for vegans and people who are lactose intolerant, or who completely love plant-based milk. Therefore, you will see that it is possible to have a nice snack in the middle of the day that is healthy and suitable for almost everyone.

Some ingredients in the different types of plant-based milk are oats, soy, quinoa, almonds or coconut. These drinks are filled with taste and texture as if they were cow’s milk.

In addition, they can offer a twist, depending on the ingredients you use. Coconut milk, for example, is especially good for several tropical recipes, while oat milk is perfect for afternoon coffee. What makes these recipes very interesting is that they are well suited as a snack.

Some types of plant-based milk

1. Almond milk

Vegetable milk - Almond milk

Almond milk is one of the best alternatives among plant-based milk to have as a snack. It is tasty, cheap and easy to find. You can buy it at organic supermarkets or in the convenience store.

Remember to make sure it does not contain added sugar  if you are trying to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.


  • 1 cup almonds
  • 4 dates without stone
  • 2 cups water (500 ml)


  • First, remember that  you need to  start making this recipe the night before.
  • Let the almonds soak in a large bowl of water.
  • The night before, remove the outer layer and wash away impurities.
  • Then use a food processor or blender to mix the almonds, dates and water for about two minutes.
  • Afterwards, you must filter the liquid in a cloth bag or in a large gauze bandage to get rid of the fibers.
  • Finally, store the drink in a container and keep it in the fridge.

2. Oat milk

Vegetable milk - oat milk

This drink is often used in vegan cakes or recipes. In fact, it has a neutral taste that always goes well with coffee or in soups or smoothies.


  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • 6 dates without stone
  • 3 cups water (750 ml)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla extract (30 ml)


  • Let the oatmeal  soak in a bowl overnight.
  • The following morning, mix them in the blender for two minutes until the ingredients are well mixed.
  • Let the ingredients sit for an hour so that they can set.
  • Finally, strain the drink at least three times to get the oat milk. The idea is to remove all the debris that you do not need.

3. Plant-based milk of banana

Banana milk

Although you have probably tried bananas in smoothies with milk of animal origin, nothing prevents you from using this fruit to make a nutritious vegetable drink. This is an excellent choice among the many types of plant-based milk for a small treat.


  • 2 bananas (650 g)
  • 2 cups water (500 ml)
  • 4 dates without stone
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (15 ml)
  • 1 cup ice cubes (120 g) (optional to make slush)


  • This time you do not have to let it soak overnight. This recipe does not require much time to prepare.
  • First peel and cut the bananas into slices.
  • Then add all the ingredients in an electric mixer or blender.
  • Make sure you add the ice cream (if you want to make slush) and mix for two minutes.
  • Finally, cool the drink and serve it cold.

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