Relieves Stomach Ulcers With Potato And Banana Smoothie

In addition to speeding up the healing process for stomach ulcers, this banana and potato drink balances the pH value of the stomach and reduces the onset of acid regurgitation.
Relieves stomach ulcers with potato and banana smoothie

Gastric ulcers are open sores that form in the innermost layer of the stomach and the upper part of the small intestine. Fortunately, you can soothe stomach ulcers with a surprisingly delicious potato and banana smoothie.

A stomach ulcer basically appears as a huge growth of the bacterium helicobacter pylori, in addition to the irritation caused by the use of certain medications over a long period of time.

First, you may notice abdominal pain. This can then be followed by acid reflux, inflammation and other digestive problems.

Sure, stomach ulcers are not always a serious problem. But, it is important to notice them. This way, you can avoid developing complications such as infection and bleeding.

On this occasion, we will, as we mentioned, share a recipe for a potato and banana smoothie. This is ideal for controlling acid. And in addition, it speeds up the healing process of the affected gastric mucosa.

Do not hesitate to try this one!

Potato and banana smoothie to treat stomach ulcers

Let’s combine the digestive benefits of potato juice  with the nutrients in bananas. Then we can make a great mixture for burning and discomfort for stomach ulcers.

These ingredients neutralize excess acid. In short, this acid comes from excess stomach acid production. In turn, it accelerates the regeneration of a damaged gastric mucosa.

The benefits of potatoes

Peel the potato

The juice from the potato is one of the best natural remedies to relieve conditions that are the result of an imbalance in the level of stomach acid.

  • Its light fiber content, in addition to its antioxidants and minerals, optimizes the digestive process and reduces the irritation of the gastric mucosa. 
  • It contains alkaline salt, which helps regulate inflammatory processes and accelerate the healing process of the affected area.
  • It is ideal for reducing acid reflux and burning in the stomach.

The benefits of banana

Banana is a fruit that is rich in starch and has a high proportion of antioxidants which, after being absorbed into the body, helps to create balance in the pH value of the stomach. 

  • Its significant contribution of fiber improves the digestion of heavy foods and prevents it from fermenting in the intestines.
  • It neutralizes acidity caused by an unbalanced stomach-pH balance, and reduces the onset of ulcers and damage to the protective layer in the stomach.
  • It contains vitamins and minerals that are the key to restoring the health of the damaged tissue. 
  • It stops the discomfort caused by acid regurgitation and heartburn.

How do I make such a potato and banana smoothie?

Banana smoothie

To make this smoothie, it is best to use a potato that is not very ripe and that is free of sprouts. Also, it is best to use an unripe banana, as they offer more starch and flavonoids.


  • 1 potato
  • 1 green banana
  • 1/2 glass of water (100 ml)


  • Wash the potato well, remove the skin and divide it into several pieces.
  • Use the blender to make juice from the potato and set it aside for later use.
  • Cut the green banana into several pieces and add it to the blender together with the potato juice.
  • Add half a glass of water to make it easier to mix it all into a liquid, and blend for a while, until you have a smooth mixture.


  • Prepare the smoothie in the morning and drink 30 minutes before breakfast.
  • Drink it every day until you notice improvement.

How do I know if I have a stomach ulcer?

gallbladder problems

The most common symptom of stomach ulcer is pain in the abdominal area. The intensity can vary depending on the severity of the injury and the production of acid in the stomach.

This disease often occurs at the same time as:

  • Burning in the upper abdomen
  • Heartburn or acid regurgitation
  • A feeling of satiety or heaviness
  • Inflammation and excess gas
  • Intolerance to fatty foods
  • Nausea and vomiting

As these problems can also be caused by other diseases, it is important to consult a doctor to get an accurate and correct diagnosis. 

Tests to check if you have a stomach ulcer can be:

  • Tests for Helicobacter pylori in a laboratory.
  • X-ray of the digestive system (upper gastrointestinal tract).
  • Upper digestive system (EGD) endoscopy.
  • Hemoglobin test of the blood to check for anemia.

Do you have symptoms of stomach ulcers? Treat them with this natural smoothie and consult your doctor to address the prevalence of problems.

Remember that, although it is not always a serious problem,  stomach ulcers can cause serious complications if they do not receive adequate treatment. 

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