Seeds – Fantastic Sources Of Calcium

Nutritionists believe that dairy products lack magnesium, and thus the body does not absorb calcium as well.
Seeds - great sources of calcium

Did you know that there are foods that contain more calcium than milk? Sesame seeds are rich in calcium and iron, as well as vitamins and unsaturated fats. Most people think that dairy products are the only sources of calcium, but what really happens to calcium from milk? Nutritionists believe that dairy products lack magnesium, and thus the body does not absorb calcium as well.

We must also keep in mind that many people suffer from lactose intolerance. The enzyme is not always properly treated in our body as it comes from animals. So what can we do? Women need more calcium to be able to take care of the skeleton.  Interesting alternative sources of calcium are seeds.

Seeds that are sources of calcium

1. Mustard seeds

mustard seeds

You will find mustard seeds in every store. You should know that it contains the most calcium among the foods listed below. Without any side effects, they are suitable for everyone.

  • Rich in vitamins, tannins and antioxidants.
  • Cook for 10 minutes. They have a good taste and can be added to many dishes.
  • They are also beneficial for throat problems, such as infections or even voice loss.

2. Sesame seeds

sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are the second most calcium-rich seeds. But remember to eat them raw to get the most out of them.

  • Sesame seeds are rich in calcium and iron. Do not be fooled by the size. The seeds are a natural source of vitamins and minerals.
  • Rich in proteins, unsaturated fats and many other nutrients.
  • You can use them as an accompaniment to salads or other dishes, but remember: always raw, do not cook them!

3. Chia seeds

chia seeds-2

We have often talked about the benefits of chia seeds. They are amazing! Here is a list of the most amazing benefits:

  • Chia seeds are a natural source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients  that you should not lack
  • Chia seeds are usually considered superfoods as they provide us with energy, nutrients found in vegetables, proteins and fatty acids that we need daily. Absolutely without weight gain!
  • You can put the chia seeds in a smoothie or other drink you like. They can also be eaten with yogurt. The seeds are an excellent and natural source of calcium!

4. Flaxseed


Do you have flaxseed at home? If not, take a trip to the health food store. Flaxseed is one of several good sources of calcium that will strengthen your bones, take care of your health and prevent you from gaining weight.

  • Rich in fiber and vitamins
  • Fights inflammation and fluid retention
  • Takes care of the skin and strengthens the hair
  • You can eat flaxseed with yogurt, smoothie or even in salad. If you love to bake, you can include these in breads or cakes. You’ll love it!

5. Lotus seeds

lotus seeds

Have you ever heard of lotus seeds? They are excellent! Tasty, meaty and good sources of calcium.

  • Anti-aging properties
  • Protein, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus source
  • Counteracts bad cholesterol and contains large amounts of iron and zinc, as well as other minerals
  • Oriental medicine considers them curative, especially considering the benefits associated with the skeleton and heart
  • Boil 100 grams for 20 minutes. Eat them as if they were almonds. Despite their bitter taste, they are very healthy

6. Sunflower seeds

sunflower seeds

How much sunflower seeds can you eat each day? We recommend one or two tablespoons, in other words between 20 and 40 grams. To get the right amount of calcium found in sunflower seeds, you should eat them raw and dried. You should not eat them salty, because as you know it is against its purpose for your health.

Benefits of sunflower seeds:

  • High amounts of fatty acids
  • Rich in minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Since they are rich in potassium and magnesium, they are beneficial for you who are stressed and tired
  • The high phosphorus and magnesium levels take great care of your brain
  • Rich in folic acid
  • Sunflower seeds strengthen the immune system
  • Great way to get your dose of vitamin B1 which in turn prevents fatigue and soothes nerves. Plus, it tastes so good!

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