Sometimes We Have To Start Again To Get Ahead

Many people are afraid to let go of the past and start again. This is because they are comfortable in their routine, even if it keeps them from being happy.
Sometimes we have to start over to get ahead

We make many decisions during our lives, and some of them force us to start over.

There are wounds that need to be healed, and only with courage and will are we able to cut ties with our suffering to be happy again.

Starting from scratch is not easy. On our site today, we will show you some basic strategies that you can use to deal with these complex personal issues.

When restarting means putting everything behind you

No one likes change, much less if the change is drastic and makes us leave behind everything that has defined us until now. But sometimes starting over means meeting other related challenges:

  • Finding new ways to be happy.
  • Starting again means taking control of your own life: every decision we make will lead to some outcome, but we are always the architects of our own reality.
  • A new path in life should be met with enthusiasm and the ability to appreciate today, in the “here and now”.

If you have ever been through a difficult time in your life. Then you understand the emotional complexity involved when you face adversity. All changes, even when you start again in person, take place in stages.


The moment when you realize that you have to let go of something or someone and start again

As we have mentioned before, all kinds of change involve an act of courage that not all of us may have in us. For many, such conditions become chronic:

  • They are waiting for things to change on their own.
  • The fear of failure prevents them from trying. They are not confident in themselves as active change actors who are able to face life.
  • Others see themselves as overly dependent on those around them, but they are unable to imagine a way out of their own situation. Despite their unhappiness, which is all they know, they never fully take the step to make any changes.

The moment you are fully aware of your need to start over, it will be an act of free will, and you can be proud of that.

Those who know they deserve to be happy follow their own path, leaving behind what is unhealthy and keeping them from growing.

Break out of your past in the smart way

Can you break free from your past without pain ? The answer is no. All changes involve a certain degree of suffering. An inner break, which until recently had been the focus of your hopes, dreams and plans.

  • To move forward, you must do so without bitterness or hatred. We all know that forgiveness is not easy, but it is necessary for you to be able to set yourself free.
  • If you allow yourself to be bitter about things that have happened to you, the mistakes you have made. Or the times you have been betrayed. Is the only thing you want to achieve that you will carry the pain of the past instead of the present.
  • Start your change without holding on to the bitterness or hatred towards others, and especially yourself. The hatred and bitterness will make you their prisoner, and it’s just not worth it.

Protect your future with new dreams

We should make one thing clear: You will experience more than one change in the course of your life. The changes can be small, such as making new friends, finding a new job, or starting a diet. These are all common changes and they can be good for you.

But there are times when what you really need is to start over. Maybe the relationship is not going so well, or maybe you need to move to a new city or start a new career.

You will not be the first to go through it, and you will not be the last.

  • Restarting means closing the previous chapter. This does not mean that you run away from the past.
  • Talking about your decision will make it easier for you, so that you can close the previous chapter in your life in a healthy way.
  • Do not be afraid of what others will think or how they will react. If you feel like it, you can try to anticipate their reactions and come up with good answers.

But if you are sure of your decision, the words of others will not matter: you have already decided what your fate is, and you start again.


Life is not a straight line without obstacles. Sometimes a change is needed to keep your happiness balanced.

Everyone plays an active role in their destiny, and every single decision counts. We must face life with confidence, determination and dreams.

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