Steer Clear Of Those Who Do Not Give You Anything

If you realize that the person you are with consumes your energy and hurts your well-being, stay away. Although difficult, learn to take care of yourself before meeting the needs of others who do not give back.
Steer clear of those who do not give you anything

Stay away from those who do not give you anything in your life. They may have once given you energy, but now you have realized that they only intend to absorb it from you.

Some refer to these as poisonous humans, others as emotional vampires. What is certain is that they do not make you feel good, that you may realize that you have to withdraw, but there is something that prevents you from doing so.

What is it?

Steer clear of those who do not give you anything and manipulate you

Woman burning memories

There are people who, when you want to get away from them, start telling you things that are meant to make you feel bad. For example, “You are ungrateful,” or “See how you pay me for everything I have done for you,” or “Without me, you would not be anything today.” All of these words make you feel bad and in debt to them, but you have to remember that everyone who says these things is trying to manipulate you.

Someone who loved and valued you would never address you that way. In fact , they would respect your decisions. You have every right to get away from the person who is no longer good to you. Relationships change and so do people. This is not necessarily a bad thing because it can shed light on who the people by your side really are.

Stay away from people who have just come to take your energy, and when they no longer have more to absorb, they will leave you. Avoid those who smile at your face and criticize you behind your back. No matter how much they try to make you believe something else, whether you have ever doubted whether your suspicions were right or not, do not let anyone make you feel bad.

When there are more bad moments than good in a relationship, the moment you feel the deep discomfort, it’s time to put some distance between you.

It can hurt to close chapters, but sometimes it is necessary

There are romantic relationships where you want to have a friendship with the person who has meant so much. Sometimes this can happen and be very satisfying. But what if, when you try, you find that it does not give you anything? Being a couple gave you a lot, but now it does not matter. A person should motivate you and make you want to be with them. You should know that they enrich you.

If you are with someone and you do not feel any of it, or you are aware that without their presence your life would be much calmer, why stay by their side? You do not have an honest friendship. It hurts to close chapters because it hurts to let go of something that has been so important to you. But even if you see this as a bad thing, it is not. Closing some chapters opens up others that will be much more enriching for you.

Do not get out of fear of feeling bad or because you believe in the relationship. If you know deep down that you have to go, do it.

Sometimes it’s best to get away so you can grow

Open door

There are times in relationships that are filled with conflict, and neither of you contributes anything… yet you stay together. You may not understand this, but sometimes you have to get away so you can grow. Maybe you are not contributing because you are looking for something you will not find in your partner.

We refer to a co-dependent type of relationship where you feel empty without each other. You are no longer able to feel good or happy if you do not have the other person by your side. In this case , there is usually retaliation if the other person does not meet your needs or give you something.  Getting away from them is important for your growth as an individual. In the future, this will make it possible to try again in a much more enriching way.

Stay away from people who have stopped contributing to you, or are just giving you pain and bad memories. Sometimes this can be an opportunity to grow, or to take the path you should have chosen from the start once and for all.

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