The Benefits Of Drinking Water With Vinegar And Baking Soda Before Meals

The mixture of vinegar and baking soda helps to balance the stomach’s pH value and fights heartburn, as well as improves digestion, among other things.
The benefits of drinking water with vinegar and baking soda before meals

Apple cider vinegar and baking soda have many health benefits, as well as several uses for beauty and around the home. Believe it or not, the solution to many of your daily problems can be found in vinegar and baking soda.

In this article, you can discover some of the benefits of drinking water with vinegar and baking soda before each meal.

Excellent natural remedies

Natural medicine offers a number of options for preventing various health problems, as well as treating various conditions. They can do all this without any side effects or need to take medication.

However, some natural remedies are not equally available to everyone. They can be difficult to find, or they can be too expensive.

Therefore, we like to suggest natural remedies that are available to everyone, such as apple cider vinegar and baking soda.

Once you know everything you can do with this simple remedy, you will start using it right away!

Apple cider vinegar

Water with vinegar and baking soda

Apple cider vinegar is not just a dressing for salads and other dishes. It is also a medical remedy that can help you detoxify and balance your body, as well as relieve or treat many health problems.

To take advantage of its healing powers, make sure it is fresh and not pasteurized. The pasteurization process causes it to lose much of its medicinal properties and nutritional value.

Therefore, it should be vinegar that has gone through a natural fermentation process and has a cloudy appearance.

Apple cider vinegar has been used as a beauty product, a cleanser and a health product for decades.


Baking soda is often used to treat heartburn. However, it also has many other health benefits.

With apple cider vinegar you will be able to regulate acid, and with baking soda you can regulate base. By mixing them you get both benefits.

Water with vinegar and baking soda

Health benefits

Drinking water with apple cider vinegar and baking soda

Drinking water with apple cider vinegar and baking soda provides the following health benefits. It may:

  • balance the body’s pH level to fight acid, which can cause chronic degenerative diseases
  • prevent and treat oral problems that affect the teeth, enamel and gums
  • eliminate toxins that have built up in the body due to poor diet, pollution or stress etc.
  • improve the digestive process and prevent heartburn
  • improve natural lymphatic drainage to improve blood water content and avoid edema
  • improve cholesterol or triglyceride levels
  • reduce arterial hypertension
  • makes weight loss diet easier, it will help fight food cravings and improve the digestion of fats
  • improve respiratory problems


  • 6 tablespoons apple cider vinegar, unpasteurized (60 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda, suitable for consumption (5 g)
  • 3 cups water (600 ml)

If you do not find unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, or do not like it, you can replace it with freshly squeezed lemon juice. In this way you can still achieve a balanced pH value.

This is the smallest amount of water you need. You can increase it if necessary.


Apple cider vinegar and baking soda
  • Mix the ingredients in the hot water until the baking soda is dissolved.
  • Spread this mixture over three meals.
  • You can drink it cold, lukewarm or hot.

How to use it

  • Drink a glass just after you get up, before brushing your teeth, and at least half an hour before breakfast. This is today’s most important. This is because your body on an empty stomach is very receptive to any natural remedy and you will multiply the benefits of fasting overnight.
  • Drink a glass for half an hour before lunch.
  • The last glass of the day should be half an hour before dinner.

You can repeat this on and off, or just drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. You will notice the difference from the very first sip!

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