The Five Healthiest Fruits

The five healthiest fruits

To achieve good health, it is very important to have a good and varied diet. Fruits have many good benefits for the body, they contain mainly fiber and vitamins. Therefore, it is recommended to eat fruit at all times. Below you will find five healthiest fruits.

It is best to eat fresh fruit. If this is not possible, you can eat them frozen or dried. Many fruits retain their values ​​and properties even when dried or frozen. Also remember that it is best to eat seasonal fruits, or those produced in Norway. There are many ways to eat fruit. How about making some dishes with fruit?

The five healthiest fruits

1. Blueberries

Blueberries grow mostly in cold climates. They belong to the northern hemisphere. Blueberries contain low amounts of calories, as well as several properties that are great for your body. We can mention some of these: high content of vitamin C, potassium, iron and calcium. Blueberries are characterized by their high concentration of natural pigments such as anthocyanins and carotenoids.


Therefore, blueberries are a wonderful and natural antioxidant. This is also why they help prevent diseases such as cancer or macular degeneration.

2. Oranges

Oranges are one of the healthiest fruits you can eat. As you already know, they are an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps prevent respiratory diseases such as the flu, colds or cystitis. Oranges also contain significant amounts of potassium, which is good for the muscles. They also contain hesperidin, a substance that can significantly lower blood cholesterol levels.


The smell of oranges relieves nerves and anxiety.  They are also full of antioxidants. Oranges also disinfect your body. In addition to this, they will protect your cells.

3. Apples

Apple is a very popular and healthy fruit. The apple is full of antioxidants, mainly thanks to flavonoids. These are able to prevent diseases such as cancer, delay the aging process, as well as strengthen the immune system. On behalf of dentists, we recommend eating apples, because it reduces bacterial levels in the mouth.


The apple peel contains fiber which reduces the cholesterol level in the blood. But above all, apples contribute to proper bowel function. They also contain a good amount of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.

4. Kiwi

Kiwi contains many properties that are still unknown to many. It is a good source of fiber, which we already know helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and facilitates better digestion. As amazing as it may seem, kiwis contain twice as much vitamin C as oranges.


The vitamin strengthens the immune system and prevents respiratory diseases. Vitamin C also helps iron absorption. Kiwi is rich in lutein, a natural pigment that acts as a filter for solar radiation. This fruit also contains high levels of folic acid which prevents anemia or heart problems.

5. Strawberries

In addition to tasting good, strawberries are incredibly healthy. They contain high levels of vitamin C, lecithin and pectin, which lowers cholesterol levels and prevents diseases such as atherosclerosis. Strawberries also help control type 2 diabetes, and heart and inflammatory problems. They contain omega 9 and minerals such as magnesium and copper.

strawberry drink

Strawberries are a good alternative to diarrhea. They are also used as a remedy for the skin, mainly against damage and pimples. Finally, we should mention that strawberries are wonderful toothpaste: they keep the mouth clean and protect the teeth from cavities, and prevent bad breath.

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