The Secret To Being Good Parents

Even if everything in your child’s life seems to be going well, it’s not a good idea to ignore the warning signs. Although they will not tell you about all their problems, you should tell them that they can count on your unconditional support.
The secret to being good parents

The secret to being a good parent comes from not believing everything your children say. It may seem that everything is going well with your children. They may pretend to be open with you. However, it is in your hands to see if what they are saying is actually true.

How many times have the parents said “I did not know that my child was so bad” or “it seemed like everything was going well”?

This shows a problem that is very present in families: they do not overlook appearances.

Children’s secrets

The secret to being good parents

You will never understand everything about your children. This includes when they enter a difficult stage, such as adolescence. Many times it is not that they do not trust you. Rather, they do not feel safe enough to say what is really happening. It seems much easier to talk to your friends. Maybe this is because they are the same age. After all, you are a little further from childhood.

Because of this, it is important not to believe everything they say. You do not know when they say “I’m fine, Dad”, then they hide a secret like “they bully me at school”.

The secret to being good parents

Maybe your son tells you “Stop, Mom. Everything is fine “, but he can think:” I am worried about my body and what others say about it “. Children have many secrets. Because of this, even if they seem very open with you, do not chase away the importance of good communication. Your children may need help, but they do not know how to express it properly.

Distrust is the mother of security

As Aristophanes said, ” Distrust is the mother of security.” This does not mean that you have to control everything. However, you need to keep an eye on things. This is as simple as not turning off your internal parental intuition. However, your intuition often disappears . This can happen due to concerns, thoughts and responsibilities that you think are more important.

Many parents put their own problems first, even before their children. Because of this, they turn their backs on their children. They think that their anger, mood swings, or the isolation they show are childish behaviors. But in reality, these are important signs you need to be aware of.

Good parents are mentors and counselors

The way you treat your children determines their future. You can not ignore them today and hope that they will not do the same with their children. You can also not complain that they keep certain issues to themselves if you do not show that you want to listen to them.

Good parents should not look through the fingers of things like  when the child is wearing long-sleeved shirts in the middle of summer to cover their wrists. However, for many it is a more comfortable position. Why more problems, right? It is easier to continue further surrounded by ignorance. However, the child’s health may be endangered.

The secret to being good parents

This situation happens in many areas of your life. You do not confront your fears. You turn your deaf ear to what you do not want to hear. However, this behavior is just a way to fool yourself. Afterwards, you probably say things like “I never knew it was that bad”. Parents are not stupid. They know exactly what is happening to their children. It is something else to want to see it, investigate, be interested… or do the exact opposite.

Even if they do not want to talk or turn their backs on you, your children should know that you are there to support them the moment they fall. It is a slow and difficult process to show them that you know something is wrong and to try to talk to them without making them angry or scolding them. But they will thank you.

Do not ignore or downplay their problems.  Not believing in everything should be the secret of all good parents.

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