Three Reasons Why You Should Include Magnesium In Your Diet

Thanks to its ability to bind to our hormones, magnesium can help us alleviate various problems related to the imbalance in our hormones in the days before menstruation.
Three reasons why you should include magnesium in your diet

Perhaps when you start reading this article, you will first have more questions than answers regarding magnesium and its  effects in your daily diet. But at the end of the article, we hope you know why you should include magnesium in your diet.

Do not worry. Today we will show you why magnesium is so important.

When you shop, it is likely that it has never occurred to you to check what nutrients different foods tend to contain. The same goes for magnesium. The effects of this mineral are more significant than you may have imagined.

However, you should keep several things in mind, because the range of this mineral is incredibly wide, even though it is unknown to many. Unlike other elements such as iron and calcium, people do not tend to recognize it easily. In fact, some studies show that up to 48% of the US population may be deficient in this mineral.

Despite this, the reasons why it is important to include magnesium in your diet are quite overwhelming. In addition, magnesium is found in many compounds and isolated forms in an infinite number of natural and processed foods.

But here we will share the three best reasons why you should seriously consider using it to support yourself and improve your well-being.

Taken together, these reasons range from supporting the assimilation of vitamin D to therapeutic relief of many conditions, including:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Auricular fibrillation
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Cardiovascular events
  • Migraine
  • Aging

Yes, believe it or not, all of these diseases can be alleviated, prevented or improved simply through an increased, regular intake of magnesium in your diet.

Here is a list of all the reasons that stand out so that you can better understand this mineral and the benefits it provides.

Three Reasons to Include Magnesium in Your Diet

Include magnesium in your diet

Your diet should include all types of foods, and you should also know which are the best minerals to provide your body with healthy nutrition. Magnesium is the key among them. It contains greater benefits for the human body than other minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, silicon or potassium.

Part of your skeleton would be impossible without it, and when you smile you can see how important the effect is to your teeth.

1. It is ideal for the health of bones and teeth

Magnesium is ideal for the health of bones and teeth

It is true that calcium gets a lot of credit when it comes to the health of bones and teeth. However, magnesium also plays a key role in this area because it acts as a fixator for the other minerals. That is, if you have a magnesium deficiency, you have trouble achieving adequate levels of calcium. Among many other things, osteoporosis and cavities can be a consequence of this deficiency.

We recommend that you include foods that are rich in this mineral, such as dairy products and fruits that are rich in vitamin D:

  • Apricots
  • Apples
  • Guava

2. It helps reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

We know how troublesome premenstrual syndrome can be for women. Magnesium stands out as a mineral that attaches to our hormones and regulates their effects effectively, thus relieving some symptoms of pain and sensitivity.

With regard to menstrual cramps, if you have eaten a lot of foods high in magnesium during the month beforehand, you will notice how this can reduce the pain significantly.

3. It fights insomnia

Man with insomnia

Lack of sleep is a problem for a significant portion of the population. There are several causes that can significantly affect sleep. However, in the case of magnesium, it has been shown that a deficiency of this mineral directly affects the development of insomnia.

Melatonin is a hormone that affects the regulation of our sleep. When there is a magnesium deficiency in the body, insomnia occurs. This is because it seems that there is a relationship between this mineral and being able to sleep well.


On our website, we recommend many of the best and most optimal ways to take care of your well-being. Among them, the benefits of magnesium for your body are quite clear and stand out noticeably.

Be sure to include magnesium by consuming foods that contain it in your diet to help you assimilate it. Of course, you should always be aware of what you put in your mouth and what benefits and reasons there are to eating it.

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