Tips For Toning Problem Areas: Buttocks, Hips And Thighs

To tone down problem areas, it is very important to follow a balanced diet and exercise daily, as well as to combine aerobic and anaerobic workouts to get the best possible results.
Tips for toning problem areas: Buttocks, hips and thighs

Nothing is more difficult than dealing with the fat that lies around the buttocks, hips and thighs. In addition to being the most difficult areas to slim down, these are areas that people pay special attention to when it comes to appearance.

Why is it difficult to tone the buttocks, hips and thighs?

Woman exercising at home

Women tend to store fat on the buttocks, hips and thighs. On top of all that, the  fat stored in these areas of the lower body is also the most difficult areas  to get rid of fat from. Why is it like that? It turns out that this part of the body is highly affected by hormone production and blood circulation. At the same time, the fat stored in these areas is more stable and therefore less harmful and more difficult to get rid of.

Having a pear-shaped body is known as “gynoid obesity”. This type of obesity  is associated with a hormonal imbalance and poor circulation, not to mention genetics and a poor diet.

A healthy diet and exercise

Following a weight loss plan is not always easy, but it is undoubtedly the best option to fight fat on the body’s problem areas. An exercise plan should combine good nutrition with an appropriate exercise routine. However, as mentioned above, a diet is not enough to combat these problem areas because you also need to exercise to work on them. A good exercise routine  should include aerobic and anaerobic exercises.

1. Aerobic exercises

Aerobic exercises  include low and medium intensity exercises, which involve burning carbohydrates over long sessions. Examples of aerobic exercises include:

  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Walking

3. Anaerobic exercises

Woman exercising

Anaerobic exercises include short, high-intensity workouts, such as:

  • Weightlifting
  • Abdominal exercises
  • Sprint
  • Fast cycling

A good way to combine both types of exercise is by doing low-intensity exercise every day (for example, walking), with medium-intensity sessions at least three times a week (jogging, swimming or cycling). You should also include high-intensity training two to three times a week.

It is also a good idea to change your exercise routine every four weeks. By doing so, the muscles will not get used to a given exercise, so they will always get a good workout. Thus, you will get better toned results.

3. A proper diet for firmer buttocks, hips and thighs

Healthy food

A diet should be as detailed as an exercise plan. Since the goal is to fight “stubborn fat”, consider the following diet tips:

Include a good amount of protein in your diet and make sure your sources of protein are high in amino acids. The most recommended are:

  • Turkey
  • Tuna
  • Kefir
  • Egg
  • Fish
  • Legumes
  • Dried fruit

Check your salt intake since salt causes fluid retention in the body’s problem areas. You must not cut out carbohydrates, but you should control your intake and choose the right ones. Examples of recommended carbohydrates include: potatoes, oatmeal, quinoa and whole grains. All of these are good sources of energy.

Keep your body hydrated by drinking two to three liters of water a day. It is important to completely avoid snacks such as potato chips or similar snacks. To avoid the craving for sweets, you can eat fruits such as berries or dried fruits. Finally, since nothing is better for reducing sweet cravings than fiber, you  should consume the recommended amount of fiber each day, at least 10 grams.

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