Treatment For Belly Fat And Fluid Retention

By boosting your metabolism, ginger helps get rid of fat. It also gives you a feeling of satiety. Cinnamon increases body temperature and thus has the same effect.
Treatment for belly fat and fluid retention

Who does not have a little extra belly fat? As we get older and our metabolism slows down, it is perfectly normal, especially for women, to get a little extra fat around the waist. Fluid retention is also not uncommon. Want to hear more about a simple treatment for belly fat and fluid retention that you will love? Read today’s article!

Easy method to reduce belly fat and fluid retention

hot tea

Is it really possible to fight belly fat and fluid retention at the same time ? Of course, but there is no miracle cure. This is a simple and healthy method that you must follow every day. Sometimes it is the most basic things that give the best results, especially when it comes to healthy plants. But what do we mean by “healthy plants”? Follow here:


This is one of the most effective plants when one wants to lose weight. According to experts, it is the plant’s roots that are most effective here. You can find dandelion roots in health food stores, and it works. In addition to being excellent for cleansing the liver and kidneys, it also stimulates urine production. This reduces inflammation in the stomach, regulates blood sugar and strengthens the immune system. It is fantastic!

Fresh, crushed ginger

You have probably already heard a lot about the ability of ginger to reduce body weight, cleanse the body and fight inflammation. Furthermore, according to the University of Maastricht, this herb is able to boost your metabolism so that you burn more fat. Ginger gives you a feeling of satiety and is a great way to start the day.


Did you know that eating cinnamon is a great way to lose weight? This is in addition to the fact that it tastes good. When combined with various foods and teas, cinnamon is very effective in lowering blood sugar levels and preventing insulin from rising or falling too much. Cinnamon also raises the body temperature a bit, which leads to chemical reactions which in turn leads to your metabolism working better. In this way, your body temperature helps you lose weight. It is fantastic.


Do you like the delicious taste of mint? It is very effective when you are going to lose weight. It burns fat, stimulates digestion, increases metabolism and helps the gallbladder to function better and stimulates the production of bile.

How do you make this remedy for belly fat?

ginger and mint

You only need these ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon of dandelion root
  • 1 teaspoon of fresh, grated ginger
  • A knife-sharp cinnamon
  • 5 mint leaves
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 2 teaspoons honey

How do you make it?

flat belly

This is a simple recipe for a drink that you drink three times a day, three times a week. The first dose is in the morning before breakfast, right after you get up. Drink it hot and on an empty stomach. It is important that all the ingredients are fresh. The plants are found everywhere, so they should be easy to get hold of. Make sure you use the dandelion root, as this is the one that has the greatest slimming effect.

The second dose is after lunch. It helps you digest food better and cleanse your body. The third and final dose is just before bedtime. But remember to always drink it hot. Not cold and not boiling. In addition to all the other good properties, the combination of honey, mint and ginger will help you sleep better. Tea is not only good for belly fat and fluid retention. It is great for the whole body and contributes to a healthy digestion.

How to get the best results

All you need is to make this tea with the ingredients already mentioned. When the water boils, let it soak for 10 minutes. Put the liquid in a glass or cup and let it cool down to room temperature. Drink a third of the tea, three times a day. You get the best results if you follow this routine three days a week.

As you already know, you should follow up this treatment with a balanced diet. And do not forget to do some exercise every day to combat belly fat and fluid retention, such as a thirty-minute walk. Do it with a friend, and it will be more fun. What do you say?

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