Try 3 Homemade Remedies For Toothache

There are several factors that can contribute to the development of bacteria in the mouth, which causes plaque to build up on the teeth and cause pain. We will tell you about some home media to combat it.
Try 3 homemade remedies for toothache

Poor nutrition, lack of oral hygiene and infections are the main factors that cause bacteria to develop in the mouth and form plaque on the teeth – leading to pain. However, have you ever heard of homemade remedies for toothache?

Toothache is not always a sign that you have a serious problem, but it is sometimes a simple reaction in your teeth.

What can cause toothache?

  • Hole
  • A broken tooth
  • A crack
  • Irritation after dental treatment
  • An exposed root
  • An abscess
  • Inflammation of the gums
  • Ulcer
  • Swelling of the nostrils


remedies for toothache

If you do not treat toothache, it is possible that you will develop an infection that can have serious consequences if it spreads to the face or neck. If an infection is present, you may have difficulty opening your mouth or even breathing due to the inflammation.

People with chronic conditions should be extra careful as such infections can be fatal.

Types of pain

  • Mucosa : This is a superficial pain that affects the lining of the mouth. Pain will appear when something touches a lesion or a wound on the mucous membrane.
  • Oral : This is the most common type of pain. It is caused when plaque builds up on the teeth. This is a deep physical pain that can be caused by acute or chronic pulpitis, as well as periodontitis.
  • Periodontal : This is very deep pain, and there is no particular age it seems to affect. It is usually not an intense, acute pain, but rather chronic and oppressive. It is focused on a single area, and the pain will increase if you put pressure on the affected tooth.

Below are some homemade toothpaste remedies that are easy and cheap to prepare :

1. Homemade remedies for toothache: Fragrant cloves

Fragrant cloves

Cloves are considered to be natural painkillers. They contain antibacterial properties that attack the bacteria that cause pain.


  • Cloves (30 g)
  • 125 ml of water


  • First, boil the water.
  • Then add the cloves.
  • Wait until the water has cooled to a comfortable temperature.

Method of use

  • Dampen a cotton ball in this liquid and apply on the affected area.

Other uses

  • Place one or two cloves in the area where you feel discomfort.
  • You can also use cloves oil and dilute it with almond oil.

2. Fennel

The resin found in this spice not only reduces toothacheit also reduces bleeding gums.


  • 1 tbsp fennel (10 g)
  • The juice of 1 lemon (50 ml)
  • 145 ml of water


  • Let the water boil.
  • Then add lemon juice and fennel.

Method of use

  • Apply the liquid directly on the affected area.

Homemade remedies for toothache: Vanilla extract

Vanilla extract

Vanilla contains eugenol, a phenolic derivative that has been used in dentistry for centuries thanks to its antiseptic and analgesic properties.  It also fights tooth decay.


  • A few drops of vanilla extract


  • Use a cotton swab and apply five drops of vanilla extract.

Method of use

  • Apply this on the affected tooth. You can repeat this process as many times as you need until the pain disappears.


  • When brushing your teeth, use short circular motions for each tooth. Never brush your teeth horizontally, and be sure to brush them after each meal.
  • It is important to also brush the gums for at least one minute. Otherwise, do not remove bacterial plaque.
  • You must keep the toothbrush in good condition. It is best to change it at least every three months.
  • It is important to floss to remove food between your teeth once a day, preferably before bedtime.
  • Reduce your intake of sugar and sticky foods, such as chewing gum and sweets.
  • Eat more fiber-rich foods.
  • Avoid smoking cigarettes, as they affect the gums and tooth enamel.

If you follow these recommendations and try the above remedies and do not see any improvement after 72 hours, visit your dentist.

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