What Characterizes A Molar Pregnancy?

A molar pregnancy is a rare pregnancy complication. When it comes to diagnosis, it is important to use ultrasound.
What are the characteristics of a molar pregnancy?

During the pregnancy period, there may be several changes that make it necessary to implement measures immediately. Although it is a rare complication, molar pregnancy is one of them.

Below we explain this condition and the techniques they use to diagnose and treat it.

What is a molar pregnancy?

Molar pregnancy is a term that refers to bladder moles. It involves an abnormal proliferation of the tissue that composes the trophoblast (one of the cell layers involved in the formation of the embryo).

In total, there are several categories of molar pregnancy depending on the problem.

molar pregnancy diagnosis

On the one hand, it can be a benign tissue disease. In this case, there is no risk of developing a cancerous tumor. This may involve partially or completely benign bladder mole.

On the other hand, there may also be a series of diseases related to molar pregnancy known as trophoblast tumors. This group includes malignant or invasive hydatidiform moles, choriocarcinoma and epithelial tumors are marked, all of which affect the tissue.

The signs and symptoms

It is important to keep in mind that this can go unnoticed during the first few weeks of pregnancy.

However, as the pregnancy progresses, a number of clinical manifestations will appear, which will help the diagnosis:

  • Metrorrhagia : Vaginal bleeding occurs in almost all women with molar pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the trophoblastic tissue has a high invasive capacity, and lies between the cell layers. Blood accumulates because it is unable to empty it properly. When the blood volume exceeds the capacity of the cavity, bleeding suddenly occurs.
  • Toxemia: This is a common sign in patients. However, there may be cases where it does not appear. Toxemia consists of pregnancy-associated hypertension and is a serious condition that needs medical attention to prevent consequences.
  • Abnormal fundus size : The depth of the uterus grows around four centimeters each month of pregnancy. Previously, doctors used this depth to estimate gestational age. Today, this technique is not used thanks to ultrasound. In any case, a fixation height that is above normal is a sign that is often associated with a molar pregnancy.
  • Hormonal changes: Throughout the pregnancy, several analytical checks are performed to ensure that all levels are correct. When there is a proliferation of trophoblastic tissue, the levels of hormones change due to a cell layer with an endocrine capacity.

Diagnosis of a molar pregnancy

First, there must be a clinical suspicion. The hormonal changes in the blood test are an important test for a molar pregnancy.

However, this does not mean that there is a problem. It can also be a sign of another complication. This is especially true if the patient is an elderly first-time mother, or if there are genetic changes.

The best technique for diagnosing molar pregnancy is without a doubt an ultrasound.

molar pregnancy

Thanks to the use of ultrasound, we can directly visualize the pregnancy sac and cysts that often appear next to the pregnancy sac. In case of suspicion, doctors may take samples to analyze.

If neoplastic disease is suspected at the time of diagnosis, it will also be necessary to perform an image test such as a CT scan or X-ray in addition to an ultrasound.

It is important to perform a complete removal of cysts to prevent future complications, especially in the case of metastasis. Then it is important to follow a surgical treatment and chemotherapy.

If the patient has no intention of having more children, or the risk of complications is very high, they should choose more aggressive treatment. But just like everything else in medicine, it is best to always choose to have a more conservative attitude when it comes to young patients.

Ultimately , there are many diagnoses and treatments for molar pregnancy. However, the analytical study and imaging technique is what really helps to diagnose and establish the prognosis.

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