What Should I Do If My Baby Refuses To Breastfeed?

What happens when the baby refuses to breastfeed? Is it a solution? In this article you will find the possible causes and some possible solutions.
What should I do if my baby refuses to breastfeed?

Breastfeeding is very important for all newborns. Breast milk is a unique food that is specially designed to nourish the baby. But what if your baby refuses to breastfeed?

This is something that can happen and you should not feel bad if it happens. There are some reasons you need to know to end the situation.

Why is breastfeeding so important?

We’ll tell you. According to the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEPED), it has several benefits. These include emotional well-being, reduced risk of breast and ovarian cancer and postpartum recovery.

When a baby refuses to breastfeed, all of these benefits are set aside, as many mothers end up being disappointed. Not knowing what is happening does not help. So let’s try to figure it out.

What is a “strike” or “crisis” during breastfeeding?

The fact that a baby refuses the mother’s breast is called a “breastfeeding strike” or “breastfeeding crisis”. However, this term is only valid if it lasts a long time.

No matter how much you offer to breastfeed your baby and no matter how hungry your baby is, they still refuse. We know it’s frustrating, but there’s a reason for this reaction.

Have you gone back to work and spent less time with your baby? Has your baby ever bitten your nipple and you abruptly pushed it away or reacted with a scream? Do they have teeth?

These questions can be crucial.

What can bother the child?

There are several things you may not be aware of that bother a baby. These can cause your baby to refuse to breastfeed. Knowing them will give you great relief. Towards the end of the article, we also give you some tips on how to solve them.

A mother with a crying baby.
Many causes interfere with the breastfeeding process, and knowing them allows planning a solution.

Ambient noise

It may seem unimportant, but when breastfeeding your baby, it is best to be in a quiet place without too much noise. Excessive noise and people around make the baby reject the breast.

My baby refuses to breastfeed: Nasal obstruction

It is important to make sure your baby’s nostrils are clear. If they cannot breathe well, they will not be able to suck, and this makes them refuse to breastfeed because they already know what is going to happen. Then use a nasal aspirator for children.

Changes in routine

If you have started working and this has meant a change in routines, the baby may react by refusing to breastfeed. It’s like their way of complaining and protesting when they don’t like something. The same can happen if you have recently moved.


If your baby refuses to breastfeed and none of the above agree with the possible causes, see if you have changed shampoo, body wash or soap. Babies can reject new odors, which means they will not breastfeed.

Too little milk

Another reason why the baby refuses the breast is milk production. The child may not meet their nutritional needs, and this may cause them to react with early weaning, as AEPED says.

Unpleasant past experience

One of the last possible reasons why your baby refuses to breastfeed may be related to an unpleasant experience. Pain in your mouth when breastfeeding because they were grinding your teeth or a scream from your side because they had bitten you.

How can I try to help?

There are different ways to break this breastfeeding crisis. We can not assure you that everyone will work for you, as each case is different, but why not try it?

Here are some options.

Do not push your baby

We will dedicate a section to this because it is important. It is a mistake to pressure the baby to breastfeed again. Let them do it themselves again when they feel ready.

A good way to do this is to strengthen skin-to-skin contact. Make the ribbon last as long as it needs in the bath or bed. This simple gesture can make the baby start sucking again.

Use a sling

Although strollers are very comfortable, a baby carrier can be helpful in resolving this situation. The baby will be close to the breast, and if your baby is in contact with your skin it is even better. If they get hungry, they will be close to the food source, so why not try it?

Choose a calm environment if your baby refuses to breastfeed

If the possible reason your baby refuses to breastfeed is noise or distractions, try a calmer environment. A room or an area where there are not too many people and everything is quiet. This may be the solution you need.

A breastfeeding baby.
Calm when breastfeeding is the key for the connection to be adequate and for the baby to enjoy the space.

Adopt a different attitude

This can be a good way to encourage the baby to breastfeed without forcing them to take certain positions. For example in the side position. Try it, because what may not suit them is just the usual position.

Breastfeed your baby while he sleeps

This is a great technique for getting your baby to breastfeed. They do it automatically. When they fall asleep, they will be calm and relaxed. Lie next to your baby in a skin-to-skin position.

Do not let your baby get hungry

If your baby is hungry, it will be much more irritable and more likely to refuse breastfeeding. So we suggest you avoid this situation. The best thing you can do? Offer them when it’s time, even if they do not want it.

If your baby refuses to breastfeed, there are ways to solve it

Remember to never force your baby to breastfeed, and that it is important to remember all the tips we mentioned above. Above all, keep in mind skin-to-skin contact.

Newborns are very sensitive to changes in routine or schedule. In any case, do not hesitate to consult a pediatrician. They will surely know your case better and can give you personal recommendations.

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