What Should You Eat If You Have A Headache?

In fact, many foods are just as effective as medicines. In this article we will tell you which foods can help you get rid of your painful headache.
What should you eat if you have a headache?

In fact, many foods are just as effective as medicines. Below we will tell you what foods you should eat if you have a headache.

Headaches are very common and can be quite painful. To reduce the pain and prevent it from disturbing your day, take a look at these foods. They have the power to soothe or prevent headaches.

In terms of causes, headaches have many, ranging from stress to poor diet. People who have recently stopped smoking or consuming a lot of caffeine are also prone to headaches.

The good news is that if you do not want to take medication, there are alternatives. The chemical compositions of certain foods can work just as well. Read on!

What to eat when you have a headache


Quinoa salad for headaches

Headaches are usually related to low magnesium levels. This is because when the magnesium level is not good, the blood vessels weaken and are unable to do their job.

Therefore, your nerves are not able to relax. It’s time to look for foods rich in magnesium, and quinoa is a great alternative. So if you are trying to get rid of headaches, do not forget about quinoa!

What to eat when you have a headache: Cucumber

Cucumbers contain 95% water, perfect for hydrating your body. Therefore, they have the power to significantly improve your headache.


Watermelon slices standing on a table.

Watermelon is another fruit that contains a lot of water, making it an ideal food to counteract dehydration. It is also rich in magnesium and potassium. These nutrients make watermelon great for when you have a headache.


Potatoes are a good choice if you have a headache. This is because they contain a lot of potassium, which will relieve headaches and can also prevent them.

However, you need to be careful because french fries are not the best option. For example, you can bake them with the shell on, and take in up to 600 mg of potassium.

What to eat when you have a headache: Bananas

Bananas are good to eat if you have a headache

As with potatoes , bananas contain large amounts of potassium and magnesium. It is a combination that enables bananas to relieve all types of headaches.


Pineapple can be a good food for headaches. It is a fruit that contains a natural enzyme known as bromelain. Bromelain makes it a great natural inflammatory remedy.

What to eat when you have a headache: Mint tea

Mint tea that stands out in nature.

Mint tea acts as a vasodilator. Therefore, it will help reduce blood flow and relax your nerves immediately. Even if you do not drink it, you can still benefit from it. Put two drops of essential mint oil on the temples and massage them lightly. This will relieve the pain and clear your head.


There are many causes for headaches. Hormonal changes are one of them, and riboflavin found in spinach can help restore balance and thus give you some relief from headaches. Any type of green leafy vegetable will mostly have the same effect as spinach.

What to eat when you have a headache: Almonds

What should you eat if you have a headache?

Almonds contain high levels of salicylic acid. This makes them as – or more – effective than aspirin. They are an excellent option for those who want to get rid of headaches without taking medication.


Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon, tuna and sardines contain particularly large quantities. Thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties, they are another good alternative to painkillers if you have a headache.

What to eat when you have a headache: Salad

What should you eat if you have a headache?

In the Middle Ages, lettuce was used as a natural sedative, and the effect was compared to opium. Since then, consumption has been normalized to the point where we have forgotten the power of the salad. But if your head hurts, you can eat a salad and find some relief.

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