Why Do You Continue To Lose Your Voice?

Do you often lose your voice? Find out why this happens and how to deal with this common problem in this article.
Why do you continue to lose your voice?

Are you one of those people who constantly loses his voice and does not know why? Do not worry, you are not alone. Some people are more likely to have this problem, although it is not always due to physical weakness.

Whatever the reason for losing your voice, the truth is that this complication can hinder your professional performance and your personal relationships. Therefore, it is important to know why this phenomenon occurs and how you can treat it.

Today we want to take a look at just that.

Factors that cause you to lose your voice

Your job

There are professions that require you to use your voice a lot.

Among those most likely to have vocal problems, we find:

  • Teachers
  • Interpreter
  • Event planners
  • Singers
  • Telephone operators
  • Waiters
  • And many more!

If one of these is your job, we recommend that you use natural treatments to help you cope with excessive use of your voice. It is also a good idea to go to a speech therapist who will teach you techniques for using your voice in a healthier way.

Acoustic conditions

In urban areas, we are bombarded with traffic noise the moment we walk outside. If we go to a cafeteria or a restaurant, the same thing happens. It can also be loud music that forces people to raise their voices.

Finally, you strain your voice so much that there comes a time when you notice how your throat starts to hurt when all you did was have a quiet conversation with a friend. This is a very common cause of voice loss.

Environmental conditions


Unfortunately, the quality of the air we breathe in cities is getting worse every day. The most obvious example is found in giant cities, where pedestrians are forced to wear masks to walk outside.

In addition , centralized air conditioning can also cause major problems, as it dries out the mucous membrane that protects the airways.

Reasons why you lost your voice

In addition, there are other important health reasons that may explain why you can often lose your voice. These include:


skeleton that smokes

You know about how cigarettes affect the lungs, but did you know that it can cause laryngeal cancer? We are talking about something far from a residual disease. The good news is that this type of cancer is not very aggressive, so when it is detected early it can usually be cured.

When you lose your voice, this aphonia or dysphonia can become an opportunity to find this type of cancer and get rid of it. It is recommended that you take a trip to the doctor if the problem is recurring.

Nodules and polyps

Although these two things are different, they are both lumps that occur on the vocal cords. The phenomenon can be compared to thralls on the feet caused by the use of inadequate footwear for a long time.

Therefore, when we maintain bad habits for a long time or our work forces us to talk too much, our speech devices are damaged. Polyps and nodules are an example of such events.

When it comes to treatment, nodules can disappear by practicing new ways of speaking or singing. If they do not disappear, surgery will be used.

Polyps, for their part, are usually removed directly in an operating room.

Acute laryngitis

sore throat

This is the least serious problem. This involves inflammation of the larynx, which goes away on its own or by taking medication. However, there are people who suffer from it very often.

If you suffer from this condition, you should ideally look for alternative therapies that teach you how to optimize your larynx without the body suffering.

If you have lost your voice because of this, you do not have much to worry about, but you can do something to improve your condition.

Gastroesophageal reflux

You may experience the classic heartburn that is accompanied by an unpleasant taste that tells you that you may have acid regurgitation, which is quite harmful.

As a result, acid reflux will gradually destroy the organs with which it comes in contact.

The first way to fix this problem is by eating foods that are light and easy to digest. How to improve the health of the throat while taking care of the discomfort.

Given all this, it is advisable to ask for a doctor’s opinion. Once you have been told where the problem is, you can act accordingly.

However, it is also best to look for long-term, useful alternatives. If in doubt,  no sessions with a speech pathologist would hurt. These sessions help you get your voice back and prevent the problem from occurring in the future.

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