Why Is It Important To Fight Constipation?

Why is it important to fight constipation?

Constipation makes it difficult to get rid of harmful substances in our body. These harmful toxins enter the bloodstream in the intestinal walls and can cause serious diseases. How many times a day should you have a bowel movement? Did you know that we should ideally go to the bathroom every time we eat? However, most people only go once a day, and in many cases less often. Keep reading to find out why it is so important to fight constipation, as well as some natural tips on how to do it!

In this article we will explain what constipation  is and why it is so important to fight constipation and with natural supplements and proper diet.

Why is it so important to fight constipation?

When we struggle with constipation, whether it is frequent or completely random, the stool left in the intestine will increase the spread of bacteria. Some bacteria are healthy when they are in balance, but when the levels increase and the bacteria rot, we may suffer from some of the health problems we will discuss below.

Absorption of toxins

It is in the colon that the nutrients are transferred to the blood. If we suffer from constipation, the harmful toxins we get in us will unfortunately end up in the blood, and spread in the body. This causes our body to slowly but surely poison itself, and this in turn can lead to inflammation, cysts or tumors, joint problems, skin problems, and congestion of the liver and kidneys.

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Spread of parasites

Intestinal parasites occur in an intestine that contains various toxins, as previously mentioned. The most well-known parasite is candida, but there are other common types, such as giardia lamblia, roundworm or tapeworm, that usually cause these symptoms:

  • Eating disorders (excessive or lack of appetite for no apparent reason)
  • Swollen eyes
  • Anxiety and nervousness
  • Itching on the tip of the nose, eyes or in the anal area
  • Enlarged pupils
  • Exacerbation of intestinal problems (constipation, diarrhea)
  • Insomnia for no apparent reason
  • Fatigue
  • Headache

Inflammation of the intestinal wall

If we do not struggle with constipation as usual, we do not need to be frightened if it happens suddenly. If, on the other hand, we struggle with constipation often, and for longer periods at a time. We should definitely try to prevent that from happening again. This is because it can lead to inflammation in the intestinal wall, which will actually worsen if we use medical or natural laxatives, such as senna.

Our intestinal walls are also linked to our immune system, which can cause recurrent flu, sore throats, colds, allergies, etc.

So… How many times a day?

If we eat three meals a day, we should also get rid of feces three times a day. This may be unrealistic for many, but we should at least be able to go to the bathroom twice a day to make sure that the intestine is working properly. This will also depend on how much nutrition we take in, and how much we excrete.

What should the stool look like?

Other things to look at, in addition to how many times you get rid of feces during a day, are for example:

  • Smell: The stool should not smell too much. If it does, it may indicate that rot and fermentation of the food has occurred, and that we have therefore not digested it properly. Some foods may smell more than others, such as onions and cabbage.
  • Texture: The stool should be normal, not too dry (something that happens during constipation), and not too runny (more common in most vegetarian diets).
  • Color: The color should be medium brown, but we also know that some foods, such as beets or green leafy vegetables, can cause the stool to darken.
  • Does the stool flow? Sometimes the stool flows in the toilet bowl, and the most common causes are gas or grease. To avoid this, we must learn to chew better, avoid foods that cause flatulence, and be aware of possible food intolerances. Second, fat is related to the gallbladder and liver, so we can take medicinal herbs to help these organs, such as boldo, marijuana or dandelion.

When we go to the bathroom, we should be able to do it without exerting ourselves, and without feeling that we did not get to empty our bowels.

Before undergoing any treatment to combat constipation, we recommend that you talk to a doctor or therapist.

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