Why Is It Not Good For You To Eat Bread?

Eating white bread can be just as harmful as eating too much sugar, so if you do not want to stop eating it, you should go for healthier alternatives.
Why is it not good for you to eat bread?

In recent years, warnings against eating bread have increased. Although eating bread has been part of the human diet since ancient times, there are  today many reasons to avoid it. The basic recipe for bread is made with refined wheat flour, water and salt. This, in addition to the preservatives added by some of the industries, does not make it the best choice at a commercial level.

In fact, due to the high content of carbohydrates,  it is not recommended as part of our diet. Especially if your goal is to lose weight. Eating bread every day can make you overweight and can cause metabolic diseases.

Are there more reasons to limit your bread intake? Of course! While eating bread in small portions can be harmless,  excessive intake can cause several adverse reactions in the body.

Find out why!

Bread and its low nutritional quality


Bread, especially the industrial white types,  is not a nutritious food. During the refining process that it undergoes, it loses many of its properties, since the wheat germ and grains are removed.

The result is a product with a low level of fiber, vitamins and minerals which,  due to the high content of starch, can prevent digestion and metabolism.

While it is not right to eliminate all carbohydrates from food, sources of flour such as bread are probably the worst option.

By eating bread, you get a lot of sodium

Excessive sodium intake can lead to some health complications. The most worrying is that  more than 77% of the amount eaten comes from processed foods, among which bread is included. This refined food can come with added phosphate and sodium bicarbonate, which in excessive amounts can cause water retention and arterial hypertension.

  • Industrial white bread can contain up to 19 grams of salt per kilo, which is equivalent to around 4.7 grams per 250 grams.
  • The maximum dose of salt, according to data recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), is 5 grams per person per day.

It has a high glycemic index

White bread is a fast-burning food with a high glycemic index. This means that because it is not used properly as a source of energy, it reduces insulin and produces high blood sugar peaks .

Its effects on the body are compared to those produced by white sugar. It increases glucose, affects the functions of the pancreas and affects metabolic disorders such as diabetes mellitus and can make you overweight.

It contains a lot of gluten


The wheat that bread is made of contains too much gluten. This mixture of proteins simplifies the fermentation of food, which makes it more elastic, spongy and appealing.

The problem is that  many people have a sensitive digestive system  that can not process gluten properly.

  • Gluten intolerance or celiac disease causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, reflux and inflammatory conditions.

How can you reduce your bread intake?

Cutting out eating bread can be difficult for those who usually incorporate it into their regular diet in various ways. Regardless, assessing the risks involved  is a good start to taking some goals to minimize intake.

Replace bread

Even healthy bread sold at the grocery store can be a significant source of calories if intake is not moderate. For this reason, it is best to look for other sources of carbohydrates to replace bread in your diet.

  • There are many alternative recipes to avoid  refined flour in traditional recipes. Wraps with green vegetables or making pizza with cauliflower dough are some examples.

Look for alternatives with 100% whole grains

Brown bread

Bread made from whole grains contains more properties and nutrients than white bread can give you. While it is usually a little more expensive, it is a healthy option that you can regularly include in your diet.

  • But be careful… there are some breads that are not 100% whole grains. It is important to check the labeling to determine if they have this property in its entirety or if it is mixed with refined flour.

Avoid the bread basket

There are many restaurants that serve bread baskets as an addition to their dishes. To avoid eating it,  an ideal choice would be to tell the waiter that you do not want to be served it.

How often do you eat bread? Which variant do you choose? Now that you know the negative effects, try to find a healthier alternative that can replace it.

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