Younger Face With Ice Therapy

Remember that using ice directly on the skin can cause frostbite. Wrap the ice cream in a small towel or clean cloth before massaging your face.
Younger face with ice therapy

The skin on the face is exposed daily to various factors that can accelerate the aging process. Failure to take care of it can lead to changes in appearance that are aesthetically pleasing. To counteract the damage caused by pollution, sun exposure and poor nutrition, the cosmetic industry has created a range of skin care products that renew and rejuvenate the face. Get a younger face with ice therapy!

Many of these products are expensive and inaccessible to most people, especially considering that such products must be used daily. Fortunately, there are alternatives to skin care that rejuvenate your skin without you having to invest large sums.

What are the benefits of ice therapy to rejuvenate your skin?


The technique of ice therapy  comes from the Middle East. This is to moisturize, tone and prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Such treatments have become routine in spas and beauty centers. It is a very effective way to take care of the skin and rejuvenate it.

Ice therapy is ideal for:

  • combating acne and impurities that appear on the skin as a result of sun exposure and hormonal changes
  • stimulates blood flow to help rejuvenate the skin
  • renewal and toning of the face without side effects
  • f rebuild and combat the early wrinkles
  • close the pores and prevent blackheads
  • Reduce inflammation around the eyes and the bags that appear below

How do I perform ice therapy?


Ice therapy for the face is really economical. It does not require much work. It is important to be consistent with such treatments, and make them part of your regular beauty routine.

Use this treatment daily and do the following:

  • Before you start, cleanse your skin deeply  and make sure it is free of makeup
  • the ice should be wrapped in a cotton cloth or towel, do not apply the ice directly to the skin
  • massage the different areas of the face for 1 to 2 minutes
  • masses with small, circular movements from jaw, chin, forehead, cheeks to nose. Be careful around the eyes.
  • End the treatment by using a natural facial toner or products that counteract acne.

How to apply on the skin with acne and pimples?

To fight acne and ugly pimples, it is necessary to find the cause of the problem. Always use the right treatment for your skin type.

The ice can help refresh the skin and fight excess oil. Do the following:

  • rub the ice on the affected areas for 2-3 minutes, until the area feels cold
  • do not hold the skin longer than the recommended time (it may cause pain)
  • After treatment, use anti-acne products


This treatment should last a maximum of 15 minutes, and for best results it should be performed both morning and evening. For additional benefits, make ice cream with lemon, green tea, cucumber or chamomile tea. 

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