Your Cousins: Friends And “other Siblings “

They are your ‘other siblings’, but are also friends with whom you play and share sacred experiences that enrich their lives. This is why a relationship with cousins ​​is sometimes so special
Your cousins: Friends and "other siblings"

Your cousins ​​represent a unique family bond; these close relatives or “other siblings” enrich your childhood and adolescence. The psychological and social environment in the close ties you form with cousins ​​is similar to what you have with your parents and siblings.

Cousins ​​are the unique friends who, in addition to sharing the mother’s or father’s last name. Have shared thousands of adventures with you, and you have created thousands of memories and shaped important pieces in each other’s upbringing.

We invite you to take a closer look at these valuable conditions that are worth taking care of today. And later, encourage your children to strengthen these family ties.

Your cousins, your exceptional other siblings

Something interesting anthropologists have told us is that not all cultures place equal value on family in daily life. There are some countries where friendly family contact is limited to phone calls and meeting once a month or something like that.

But in other cultures it is not uncommon to see daily or regular contact. And several generations can even live together. E nten to take care of the elderly, for economic reasons, or simply reciprocity.

Many grow up with their cousins ​​just a few steps away from home. With grandparents nearby who can pick you up when your parents can not because they are at work.

To grow up with this regular daily contact that is filled with regular acts of devotion and respect. Is a deeply rooted value in some cultures that everyone can benefit from – whether they are small or large.


Let’s look at what your cousins ​​can do for your childhood and what role they play when you grow up.

A way to socialize outside the immediate family

When a child is born, their first circle of interaction is with their parents and siblings. Long before you start building friendships with peers, you will have social contact with cousins ​​that can be very beneficial.

  • The quality of a relationship between cousins ​​can be determined by a positive relationship between siblings. If you do not have this affectionate connection, it will probably not occur outside the immediate family.
  • In fact, it is not uncommon for many people to not even know any of their cousins because their parents stopped having a relationship with their siblings at some point.
  • If, on the other hand, the contact is positive and frequent, a child can find a reward in this special friendship, and this emotional component will create a lasting impression.

Your cousins ​​are the other siblings with whom you can learn more about your grandparents. Enjoy vacations and weekend adventures, walk away, discover, argue, laugh and create the cognitive ballast that helps you grow inside.

3-friends-on-a-swim trip

Your cousins, friends for life

What everyone knows is that you may not get along with all of your cousins ​​on both your mother’s and your father’s side.

  • You will feel more connected to those who have values ​​that fit with your own. And that has personal qualities that give you support and joy when you need it most. These are the ones who have been with you since childhood and rise into adulthood with you.
  • Another common thing that can happen is that there are some who have a better relationship with their cousins ​​than with their own brothers and sisters.
  • These are normal interactions that should not worry you too much.
  • Family commitments should not force you to pretend to feel something you are not doing. You must always follow the voice in your heart and conscience, while being respectful.
  • A cousin can be better than a friend – they can be a soulmate, a person you will trust until the last day of your life.

Facilitate good relationships between children and their cousins

If you still have a good relationship with your siblings and your partner’s family. Do not hesitate to encourage gatherings that the adults will enjoy. Where you also let the younger family members spend time together.

  • Do not forget that children, especially during the first six years of their lives, are in a unique moment where all events count.
  • If you promote games, adventures, afternoon food, laughter, fun and songs between cousins, you will give them not only a happy time, but also wonderful memories that will help them grow up with joy and a sense of being loved.

Let your children have the same positive relationships with their cousins that you had with yours.

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